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they spend the day walking around the city center until dusk. by now, the cold was close to unbearable so yoongi was wrapping himself closely around taehyung as they walked out of the small café where they had been sharing a hot chocolate.

"you sure you don't wanna sleep here for tonight, tae? we can sleep in a decent hotel if you'd like, we have enough." yoongi had asked, teeth clattering and hands trembling in taehyung's. "i wouldn't mind but if you wanna go to seoul tonight i'm totally okay with that. plus, i don't mind where we sleep, we don't have to waste more money for me."

yoongi smiles. "let's stop by somewhere for tonight then, i'm really tired." he says and taehyung nods in response, flashing his rectangular smile and letting the older teen lead them to a place to sleep.

they end up in a small motel, neon signs flashing brightly outside the 3 floor building making it difficult for anyone to miss. when they enter, the front desk is occupied by a young woman, who's hair is up into a bun and the bags under her eyes seem to match yoongi's.

yoongi rings the little bell on the counter and the woman jolts up, smiling as she notices yoongi. "we'd like to make reservation..." he begins but taehyung tunes him out as he wanders off, looking around the four wall lobby. there's a door close to the desk, a glass beside it showing a tiny store-like aisle full of essentials such as toothbrushes and soap as well as snacks. and being the curious individual he is, taehyung silently enters the compartment and looks through every shelf, eyeing the brand less items. 

except for a certain section that shouldn't have caught his eye and he's almost too embarrassed to even breathe properly but he manages. his finger skim over the multiple boxes of condoms hanging on the shelf, different brands and sizes and too tempting for taehyung not to stuff one of the boxes into the pocket of his jacket.

he most likely won't use them.

maybe he would. because he was gonna be alone with yoongi in a small room, a single bed for them to share for the night with the older boy most likely cuddling into his side.

taehyung hates that he's thinking about it. it makes him feel filthy and guilt arises from deep in his stomach.

but he doesn't put the 3 condom box back and instead hides it in the drawer of the bedside table beside the queen sized bed that taehyung's a little more than shocked to see when they reach the small room.

the two boys drop their bags next to the door, right beside one another and so happen to flop down on the bed at nearly the same time, yoongi on his stomach and taehyung on his back, both sighing in relief as their heads finally rest against the comfortable mattress.

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