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yoongi woke up aching, mouth swollen and red and hair sticking out in every direction imaginable. he was wrapped in warm arms, breathing against his neck and it wasn't really the first time he and taehyung had woken up like this (not including the fact that his mouth was an angry red from all the fucking biting since taehyung was like a bloody neanderthal).

it felt much more intimate than most times. maybe it was just his head playing tricks or some bullshit since he would always overthink situations (you'd figure after he'd have a breakdown over the littlest things) and for a few seconds he was thankful that taehyung put up with him.

and so he laid there wide awake as always, mindlessly running his fingers through the brown strands on taehyung's head, listening to the soft mumbles leaving his lips and watching the slight furrow of his eyebrows as he babbled nonsense into the air. yoongi merely chuckled with a light shake of his head. and he continued to do this until the boy decided to open his eyes. and when he did they flicked from yoongi's own to his bruised mouth, only to flick back up to those brown orbs staring at him with a fondness he'd never seen or noticed before.

"good morning." the blonde teen mumbled through naturally pouted lips. it took a bit for taehyung to respond (he was a bit distracted) but eventually he mumbled a soft 'good morning' back, flashing the cutest rectangular smile.

yoongi let a small smile onto his own face, shifting so taehyung's head was trapped in between his forearms, making it easier for yoongi to look down at the male and for taehyung to look up.

yoongi's body was light and small against taehyung's, so it wasn't really a problem when he felt the the shorted boy shifting his weight on top of him; it was comforting.

"hi." says yoongi. and taehyung smiles, reaches up to brush the blonde strands off the boy's forehead.

"hi." he mumbles back and it's muffled by sleep but yoongi understands. their noses bump and at last taehyung pushes up to catch yoongi's mouth in his own, laughs when he feels the still prominent scars.

"bloody hell, taehyung shut the fuck up and kiss me properly you asshat."

"it suits you."


"bruised lips. they suit you. makes you look edgy."

"oh for fucks sakes what are you even-"

"it's true! you're just this edgy dude and like you always have this fucking grunge rock aura and like all you need is a bloody cigarette and boom! aesthetic."

"holy hell, you've lost it."

"but just imagine, hyung! you'd fucking rule tumblr."

"shut up, tae."

"okay but can you imagine how many followers you'd get? cause you're like the hottest dude alive so-"

taehyung continued to ramble on and at some point yoongi got sick of it so he just pressed back up against him, leaving a lingering kiss before pushing himself up and struggling into the front. he noticed his phone on the floor and bent down to pick it up, ignoring the chin now peeking over his shoulder.

(7) missed calls from mum

(10) missed calls from asshole bastard

(25) messages from asshole bastard

(2) messages from mum

yoongi heaved a sigh as he read the messages, his brother just asking where the hell he was or just telling him to call back. he didn't bother to read the messages from his mum.

"what do you think he wants?" he heard taehyung ask and yoongi simply shrugged.

he pressed his brother's name and soon, the phone started ringing. he put it on speaker and leaned up to press a peck on taehyung's mouth before hearing his brother pick up after the second ring.

"what do you want?" yoongi grumbled.

"i've been calling you all fucking night, where the hell are you?!"

yoongi rolled his eyes.

"you literally called me 10 times. i'm just hangin' with tae. also why was mum calling? she never does."

"that's cause she came home last night, asshole and she was calling so she could see you."

"ah really? that's unusual. i'll be there in a few."

before he could hear anymore of his brother's voice, yoongi hung up, feeling the hand behind his neck disappear and he turns to stare at taehyung.

"y'wanna drive?"

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