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at around 4 in the afternoon was when the duo decided to wake up. yoongi was the first one to do so and of course, took this chance to stare at taehyung's face. he noticed the few bruises that scattered across his cheeks, as well as the small cut on the bridge of his nose.

his father hit him again, huh.

yoongi brought a hand up to cup to younger boy's cheek, thumb caressing the slight jut of his cheek bones. he trailed his finger's down to the sharpness of taehyung's jaw and ran the pad of his finger along soft skin of his bottom lip.

gosh, you don't deserve any of this, tae tae.

the blonde boy felt his chest clench; ache in sadness and just regret. because taehyung always had a smile on his face even though he had to deal with this bullshit every single fucking day.

yoongi really cared for this boy.

so much to the point where he wanted to cry every time taehyung would call him, asking him to sleep over because his father was sometimes just so unbearable.

more than sadness, yoongi's skin crawled with pure fury. how dare that guy lay a single finger on taehyung.

taehyung the boy who was always smiling.

taehyung who was always giving himself up to help others.

taehyung who would literally destroy himself with a smile to see others happy as well.

because that's what taehyung was.

a selfless person. someone you could always count on to help you even when he needed help himself.

someone to put you back together even if it meant breaking himself to do so.

a literal fucking angel.

yoongi didn't notice the silent tears that were rolling down his cheeks until he felt soft fingers wiping them away.

and so he opened his eyes and met which taehyung's chocolate orbs, glistening brightly along with that cute rectangular smile on his face.

yoongi cried a little more and taehyung continue to wipe away at his tears, not a single trace of disgust or annoyance as he did so.

"hyungie, why are you crying?" the brunette laughed, pulling yoongi to his chest. he cradled the older's head, his other hand resting comfortably over the thin waist of the shaking boy.

"i-i'm not!" yoongi hiccuped as an answer and taehyung simply laughed again, pressing his nose to nuzzle the top of his hyung's head.

"stop crying, hyung. i'm fine, so you don't have to cry anymore."

but yoongi did anyway.

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