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taehyung can't quite remember the last time he woke up in the warmth of yoongi's bed. it feels good, he thinks. it felt nice to wake up to the familiar glare of the 10 am sun, shining through that window that has become so dear to him. it felt nice to have the rays warm up the room and give it that golden sheen that made all his mornings just a little better. it felt nice to see the sun illuminate his boyfriend's sleeping face just the way it used to. it felt so nice.

taehyung wonders why he even thought about running away in the first place, that is until he remembers that at some point, he's gonna have to go back to his house. he knows his father will be waiting there for him and he'll have to take a few more punches from the man before being able to relax in yoongi's arms, the only place where he can truly be happy. and honestly he doesn't feel so phased about it. it's a hundred percent better than having to watch his hyung break down right before his eyes, countless times with little knowledge on how to make the boy feel better other than hugging and smothering him with kisses and praises. it was heartbreaking to see the tears stain yoongi's cheeks, do to stress that a 19 year old boy shouldn't have to go through.

he remembers their first night away from daegu, a city they'd never really been to before and full of people they'd never seen in their lives. taehyung couldn't recall the last time he felt so free. and when he and yoongi just kissed and touched and fucked most the night, it just kind of made everything better. like this was their world; like it was meant to be that way from the beginning. they could be anything–anyone they wanted to be and the judging looks and hateful words wouldn't matter because it was just them. it wasn't yoongi's mum or taehyung's dad. it was fucking strangers on the street; people they didn't give a damn about because they couldn't do shit to stop them from being them. they could try and try all they wanted and taehyung would've still held yoongi close, kissed him sweet and not even hesitate because fuck you, that's why.

he misses it. and he remembers why he wanted to run away and maybe if he hadn't done what he had done, they'd still be in a motel fucking and kissing and laughing, cracking stupid jokes and making fun of each other and just being alive. but he did and he regrets it. cause yoongi doesn't know he did and that's what makes that restlessness inside him spread like a sort of flame that just won't leave him at peace.

he's gonna tell him today, he decides. as soon as yoongi wakes up he'll tell him. tell him about the phone call he'd shared with his father the first night they'd arrived.

a promise he had broken because as soon as yoongi woke up, he could only stare, watch the smaller teen rub the sleep out his eyes with clenched fists and yawn wide and cute as the sun blinded his light brown eyes.

"good morning." the boy says, shifting closer towards taehyung and embracing the male's chest in a warm embrace, sighing when he feels the press of warm lips against the crown of his head. "thanks." he says, taehyung smiles.

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