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today was another one of those nights. a night where the two teens would sit on the curb of the road or in yoongi's car, munching on whatever fast food they could find. a night where they would stare at the few stars that were visible. a night where they could be away from their lousy homes.

taehyung loved nights. the night means downtown is lit by the neon lights of the clubs and bars, shinning on the rain-kissed sidewalks. he could be away from his father and instead with the only boy he loved. what else could he ask for?

sometimes it could be hard for him to shove aside the worries corrupting his mind, all by himself that is. when he looked at yoongi, that would all change and his mind wasn't filled with concerns anymore. it was just filled with him; yoongi.

the older looked angelic under the moonlight, skin sparkling more than usual, a thin layer of light surround his petite body. his lips looked red and swollen for they'd gone to a korean barbecue restaurant and of course yoongi just had to order something hot. his cheeks were dusted by a light pink as well, the coldness being at fault.

he would stare and yoongi knew he did, but the blonde would never attempt or even think about telling him to stop. it was only when taehyung would maybe brush a strand of hair out his eyes or he would softly caress his cheek with the pad of his thumb, that yoongi would tense under his touch but he would never pull away.

today it was different though. today taehyung was staring, head tilted back and resting on the head of athe passenger seat of yoongi's car, chocolate eyes half lidded and filled with sleep. yoongi could tell he was tired. but by the way his eyelids fluttered he could also tell that he didn't want to fall asleep.

"you wanna sleep in the back seat?" yoongi asked but taehyung simply shook his head.

"no no, i wanna stay awake with you." his words were slurred a bit, but yoongi understood.

"alright then."

yoongi shifted on his seat and taehyung was surprised to see the older male sliding over to his side. yoongi sat himself comfortably over taehyung's lap without saying a word, attention going back to his phone. it didn't last long though because taehyung wrapped his arms around his torso, oh, so tightly causing for his phone to slip out his fingers and onto the floor of the car.

"damnit, taehyung, what do you want?"

"you're the one who sat on my lap!"


"shut up, hyung."

and with those three words finally leaving his mouth, yoongi almost yelled when he felt kisses being peppered along the nape of his neck.

"you fucking idiot, what are you doing!"

"just, shut up, hyung."


yoongi didn't actually do anything to pry taehyung off him, how could he? he was so weak for this boy. instead he trembled under taehyung's touch, his cold lips traveling higher and higher until they reached yoongi's hot cheeks.

yoongi choked a gasp as taehyung's other hand cupped the back of his neck.

"hyung, look at me."

yoongi refused, lips pressed tightly as he shook his head.


and that was all it took. taehyung's soft plea cracked him open.

he shakily turned towards the taller boy and taehyung almost cooed because, fuck, his hyung looked so adorable.

"can i tell you something?"


"it's very personal so you can't tell anyone, okay?"

yoongi nodded softly.

"i love you."

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