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by now yoongi wasn't the only one panicking. taehyung has more or less started to tremble as his heart sped up against his ribs.

"i-if we don't find that damn pass before 4:30 we're so fucked, tae." yoongi says as he digs through his bag, feeling his knees bruise from kneeling on the concrete.

taehyung pulls his phone out from the back pocket of his jeans muttering, "it's 4:15."

and yoongi gnaws at his bottom lip. "i...i'm gonna go back and check if it's in my room, you check the bags and if you find it call me so i can come running back."

taehyung watches as yoongi jogs away, disappearing from his sight in merely seconds before he starts digging through both their bags.

yoongi heaves but that doesn't stop him from running to his apartment as fast as he can. but when he does get there, there's someone standing in front of the glass doors, looking through them as if searching for someone.

slowly, yoongi approaches the person, noting that it's a tall man almost in his mid 40s. he seems familiar, but he can't put his finger on it.

not until the man looks around and meets yoongi's eyes. that's when the teen realizes he's staring at taehyung's father, who seems to smile as if he doesn't know that yoongi knows what he does to taehyung.

the man comes closer until he's only a few inches away but subtly, yoongi steps back.

"yoongi!" the man exclaims, a smile that resembles taehyung's stretching over his face. yet it seems so sickeningly sweet. "hello, mister kim." yoongi mutters and the father chuckles.

"aish, still as shy as ever, i see." he ruffles yoongi's blonde hair. "well anyway, i came here searching for taehyung, have you seen him? he didn't come home last night and i've been worried sick."

"o-oh, i haven't. sorry sir." yoongi attempts to scramble away but he feels a hand grasp his wrist, quite harshly for that matter.

"strange. i could've sworn you never left each other's side."

the blonde teen could feel his heart quickening against his ribs, almost like it's about to burst out his chest but suppresses the urge to yell for help.

"i'm...i'm really sorry that you can't find him, b-but i haven't seen him so please-" and just as yoongi is yanking his arm out the man's strong grip, his phone rings. he freezes.

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