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when taehyung cried, yoongi was there to wipe his tears.

when yoongi cried, taehyung was there to wipe his tears.

it was their thing.

the usual routine of how thing would go because they both had fucked up lives and could only count on each other for support.

yoongi was love deprived, father-less, ignored.

taehyung was love deprived, mother-less, tormented.

the two were pieces to a puzzle, always meant to stick together from the very beginning because they were all they had.

so when the thought flickered in yoongi's mind, it triggered an epiphany; whether anyone found out about his feelings for the sobbing boy in front of him or not, it didn't matter. because at the end of the day if he got kicked out, taehyung would follow.

if taehyung left at some point...if at some point he had decided he'd had enough and ran away, yoongi would certainly stick around without even thinking twice.

if yoongi walked away, taehyung was gonna be beside him, so why did it scare him anyway?

so he analyzed more.

spent his afternoon wrapped around taehyung while just thinking. and it hit him at around 2 am, when taehyung was snoring subtly against the couch cushions (they'd been watching a film, taehyung never stayed awake through them.)

taehyung was 18.

he was young.

barely an adult and still trying to figure himself out with the limited resources in his reach. he was childish and still in school. he had a life ahead of him; a future.

and yoongi had always thought about that. about the fact that he was holding the boy back, getting him to skip for weeks without second thought and of course, taehyung would always listen because, well, it was yoongi who was asking him.

and the guilt became greater with passing seconds, to the point were the older teen was holding back the few hiccupy noises threatening to leave his lips, biting them to the point where he tasted copper.

almost immediately, hands were threading through his hair, wiping his eyes, cupping his head only to feel plush lips pecking his lips, his eyes, his cheeks.

because when yoongi cried, taehyung was there to wipe his tears.

it was their thing.

so when he met eyes with chocolate ones, staring at him through those long lashes, glossy and sparkly with the light glaring off of them because the telly was still on and serving as background, he realized they were both crybabies.

he also came to terms with the fact that he only cried this way.

when he was with taehyung.

realized that he'd never let out those built up feelings unless he was against that soft tummy, those warm arms, wrapped in those soft thighs, with those long fingers combing through his hair.

and he was a tad bit glad he did, glad that taehyung was also crying with him most times.

that boy needed it.

when he finally mumbled those three little words, there was no going back.

once his lips brushed against the shell of the boy's ear, there was no regret.

"i love you."

and taehyung choked up for a few seconds but soon they were both stumbling off the couch because taehyung was like a pup, struggling to hug yoongi. to wrap him in his arms and hold him there and smother him with kisses and mumbled 'i love you's.

"shit- goddamnit tae, what was that for?"

"i- s-sorry, i- um c-can you, like, say that again?"

"shit goddamnit tae-"

"no! before that!"

yoongi realized what the male meant, flushing red and adverting his gaze to the wooden planks under his knees.

"i-i love you." he mumbled, heard as the other crawled closer towards him, felt as his fingers grazed against against his thigh before gripping it with a soft squeeze.


and yoongi did, mumbled the soft 'i love you' before feeling a pair of lips lock against his. he felt his eyes droop and soon close, as taehyung gently pushed him on his back, caging him against the floor before pulling back.

"do you really?" he pants, breathing fanning against yoongi's nose, and the shorter of the two nods.


"more than just friends?"

and he nods again.

so they just kiss again.

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