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the rest of the week goes by smoothly. they celebrate the best christmas they've had in a long time, yoongi's mother works a few shifts before finally quitting her second job, yoongi spends most of his time with taehyung except for when the younger boy was in therapy, which he had started due to ms. min insisting that she'd pay for all expenses because she didn't want taehyung to have any trauma in the future, and yoongi's brother comes back from uni just in time for taehyung's birthday and new years.

but to say yoongi was stressed at the moment was an understatement. he had been pacing around his room for what seemed like hours, fingernails caught between his teeth because he hasn't bought taehyung anything for his birthday yet. the teen was out with namjoon and jungkook since the two boys had invited him out to the movies and then to dinner as a birthday gift, and yoongi...well, he was freaking out.

yoongi, you fool, just go buy him something now! his conscience tells him and he beams.

i'll go to the plaza and buy him something! he thinks and then shakes his head. out loud he says, "why didn't i think of that...oh wait, yes i did." and laughs it off, finds something warm enough to put on before grabbing his wallet and car keys and hastily exciting his room. "i'm going out!" he calls out as he opens the front door, but his mother rushes out the kitchen, throwing her apron onto the dining table, jogging towards yoongi, who's surprised when she hands him money. he almost smiles because he thinks it's for him but then the woman speaks before he can and says, "pass by the grocery store." and his lips turn into a frown as he takes the shopping list being offered to him out of nimble hands.

he heaves a sigh and the mother kisses his cheek before he leaves the apartment and down the hall until he reaches the glass door that's separating him from the cold outside weather. he's glad when he reaches his car because even though it's old, it still has a heater and he turns it on as soon as the engine starts.

he just wants for the cold days to end.

he spends his afternoon walking around the plaza, searching for something that catches his eye, until he clock hits 21:00 and he's rushing around because he still hasn't bought the groceries and it's getting late and his hands are empty. and that's when a glisten catches his eye and yoongi smiles widely. he enters a jewelry store, gold and diamonds surrounding him and he looks around, hands stuffed in the pockets of his coat because he's still cold, until a young woman approaches him and he tries to smile but it's hard when you're trying to control the chattering of teeth.

"hi, are you looking for anything specific? something special?" she asks and yoongi nods, blushes brightly as he remembers the reason why he's here. "a birthday gift for my–" and the young woman interrupts him, grinning as if she somehow notices his red cheeks.

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