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yoongi watched as the sun peaked over the horizon in silence, a/c of his car serving as background noise as taehyung drove them back to the apartment complex. yoongi's mum was probably getting ready for work by now, maybe brushing her long strands of hair that reached the small of her back or putting on that red lipstick that'd always stain the tip of yoongi's nose every time she kissed him goodbye.

and he wondered for a moment how such a cute and caring person, could be so closed minded and oblivious.

he remembers how he somehow ended up with his head snuggled in the crook of taehyung's neck a few years back. it had been 2 am and cold as hell so they wrapped themselves in blankets and watched a film in the comfort of yoongi's living room. the older boy's mother had gotten home a few minutes after and simply laughed softly when she saw the two curled up against each other.

yoongi was more than a little confused, but ignored it, pretended to be asleep instead as he felt comforting, plush lips pressed against his forehead.

"what a cute friendship."

he remembers his mum whispering and he almost wanted to laugh. if only she new how whipped he truly was. taehyung was younger then, not as much as a flirt as he was now, more innocent than anything. his cheeks were chubbier, tummy softer, eyes brighter. he was still tall (taller than yoongi at least) but his shoulders were less broad, more hunched because he liked to reserve himself most the time. he'd never make eye contact with anyone that wasn't yoongi. long bangs covered his chocolate eyes most times and yoongi would always push them back, ignoring the gazes he'd receive at lunch while in school or while they were laughing in the booth of some random diner.

not once did yoongi leave his boy's side while they had the chance to be together.

and he wasn't going to until the day he fucking died.

the realization of that fact hit him like a truck. he felt tears brim at his eyes as he stared at the homes that crossed his view and ever so gently pressed his forehead to the glass of the cool window. he felt his chest clench and the memories started to flow his mind; of how he had yelled at taehyung merely a few hours ago.

it was...bittersweet, really.

maybe if he hadn't yelled at him, he wouldn't be in the position he's in now; lips tingling because kisses were shared, body buzzing with unusual energy the he'd never often feel...taehyung's hand gripping his thigh.

the mere touch sent shivers down his spine and heat up to his cheeks. he shakily raised his own hand to trail the length of the other's fingers.

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