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yoongi woke up to an aching against his ribs and warm breath against his prominent collar bones, nothing unusual when you slept next to someone like taehyung, who grabbed anything (or anyone) around them and hold them as tight as humanly possible.

he carefully slipped out the boy's hold, noting the '5:30 am' displayed on his clock and sat on the edge of the bed. he wasn't sure why he was up so early, since normally he and the younger teen would sleep in 'til most likely noon but he was and the fact that it was a monday didn't go unnoticed either.

his school uniform was taunting him, sitting neatly on the chair in front of his desk along with a little note from his brother.

'school's at 6, loser. i set up your alarm AND have the keys to your car so don't even think about skipping.'

yoongi heaved a sigh, but soon shut his mouth as the realization that taehyung was still sleeping, hit him. he looked towards the snoring boy, couldn't help the smile that took over his face as he noticed the soft expression on the other's features, unusual for normally his eyebrows would be furrowed and lips moving incoherently.

the blonde leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to taehyung's temple, then his nose and finally his plush, slightly swollen lips (most likely from last nights heavy make out session, but that's not important right now), before pushing himself off the bed and walking out the room quietly.

the living room was empty as well as the kitchen, so yoongi figured that his brother was still sleeping. all thoughts were interrupted, however, when the loud rumbling of his stomach echoed in his ears.

he groaned softly, patted the soft expanse of his covered tummy and proceeded into the kitchen, maybe to try and cook some eggs so taehyung could have an almost decent breakfast for his first day of school after almost a month of not going at all.

he started the stove, tried his best to not trip and drop the eggs when he bumped into the small dining table inside the four-walled space as well as to not burn himself with the coffee pouring into his kumamon mug. he definitely almost dropped everything though when he felt arms wrapping around his waist, yelping pathetically and then shushed with the press of a warm, minty mouth against his own.

"fucking hell, you scared the living shit out of me." he murmurs against soft lips before slipping out his boy's grasp to place two plates of scrambled eggs onto the round table as well as his coffee and some milk for taehyung since he knew he didn't like the bitter joe.

"i tried cooking..." he says, and taehyung giggles.

"i see. you did pretty well compared to last time."

"it wasn't my fault. namjoon left plastic on the stove."

"silly hyungs."

yoongi all but rolls his eyes and gestures for taehyung to sit down, almost like a mother would but not quite.

the older teen sat down after, digging in as soon as the groaning of his stomach alerted him of his hunger. "what are we doing today?" he hears taehyung ask and he wants to laugh.

"well, we're going to school,"

taehyung almost chokes on his eggs.

"and after we're gonna get drunk off our arses."


"yeah, my brother's forcing me. you left your uniform here last time, you're lucky i'm a nice person and washed it up."

taehyung shoots yoongi his rectangular smile and leans over the table to kiss the side of his mouth.

"what would i do without you." he teases and yoongi snorts and stuffs the rest of his eggs into his mouth, laughing when taehyung scrunches his nose and sinks back down into his chair.

"you always ruin the moments." the younger of the two pouts and yoongi pouts back in the same way and soon it's a sort of battle to see who can pout the cutest.

yoongi wins, continues to tease taehyung about it as they change into their uniforms as well as when they're brushing their teeth.

"i'm just too cute, admit it, dumbass."

"i've already admitted it a hundred times, hyung, let me live!"

and yoongi giggles, cheek pressed to the taller male's shoulder and they're surrounded by silence except for the sound of yoongi's pink lips pressing kisses into the side of taehyung's neck.

"you woke up in a good mood today."

his good mood falters as he hears his brother's voice erase all nice thoughts from his head, catching his smirk of the mirror and only mustering to glare in his direction.

"just give me my fucking keys so i can go to school." he says, hears the clanking of said keys and catches the set before they land in the sink and then it's taehyung and him alone again.

"we haven't gone to school since the incident." and yoongi shrugs, notices the slight fear in taehyung's voice.

"don't worry, sunshine, nothing's gonna happen to you again." yoongi brushes his lips against taehyung's knuckles, catching the slightly wincing of the boy, smiles softly and pushes him out the bathroom.

soon they're both out the door, breathing in the crisp morning air and the lingering smoke of their neighbor's cigarettes.

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