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when yoongi woke up, the blinding sun was shining through his window, emitting a soft hiss from his part. he quickly zipped his mouth though, noticing taehyung still sleeping soundly, arms loosely wrapped around yoongi's hips.

the blonde male found himself staring, admiring how the golden glow of the morning sun lit taehyung's hair like a fiery halo. the rays sent a glossy gold sheen all around the room, as well as taehyung's melanin skin, and boy did yoongi find it fucking adorable how taehyung's lips pouted when he slept.

he laid back down and pressed himself further into the younger's hold, burying his face into his chest and blushing brightly because fuck, he's not gay!

but god, taehyung was just so warm and smelled so nice and just fitted perfectly against his own body. it wasn't even surprising when yoongi's eyelids began to droop again, gaze becoming blurry as he started to drift off. but of course, all good things have to come to an end and when his older brother bursted through the door, yoongi almost strangled him right then and there.

taehyung was startled as well but at least he hadn't fallen from the fucking bed.

"fucking bitch, why are you such a pest?!" yoongi sneered in anger towards his brother who just gasped dramatically.

"maybe you should've bloody told me you were bringing your damn boyfriend over instead of fucking running off and not even fucking calling, dipshit!"

"he's not my boyfriend, asshat, and if the car was in the fucking driveway you should've figured that i was in my bloody room! dumb fuck."

yoongi watched as his brother slammed the door close and with a groan leaving his lips, he pushed himself up and slipped back under the covers of his bed.

he threw an arm over taehyung's chest and pulled him down to lay next to him, cuddling into his side almost like a cat. taehyung didn't even go against it, giggling softly and pulling yoongi a bit closer by the waist.

"and just so you know i'm not gay."

"of course not hyung, you're just in love with me."

"as if."

"you're just too straight to admit it."

"that doesn't even make sense, tae."

"it does if i add quotation marks."

"just shut the hell up, dumbass."

and taehyung chuckled once again before bringing a hand up to run through yoongi's dyed locks. he swore he heard the older teen purr but pushed the thought to the back of his mind and instead tried to imagine said boy in a cat costume.

"ah, hyung you're so adorable."

"stop it, taehyung, that's gay."


yoongi simply flushed against taehyung's chest.

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