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the week was coming to a close, which was a relief to yoongi who had been stressing out for most of it to the point that he had even cried. taehyung had been there, of course, but even so yoongi couldn't find it in himself to stay awake any longer that day. he passed out cold on the cheap mattress of the motel they had decided to stay in, almost as small as the previous one from back in chuncheon but with a few extra little things here and there (neither of the boys could find it in themselves to care) not that it mattered since yoongi spent most of his days running errands, with taehyung trailing behind him.

the weekend was near and yoongi couldn't have been happier. the weekend meant he'd be able to sleep in, snuggled next to his warm boyfriend who he couldn't seem to get away from, not that he wanted to anyway. taehyung came to learn that yoongi was like a clingy child, and yoongi came to learn that taehyung wasn't any better.

"it's almost your birthday, taehyung-ah," yoongi had mumbled from where he laid on top of the boy's chest, "you fancy anything specific?"

taehyung had been quiet for a little, deep in thought. "money." he had answered and yoongi had laughed. "what for?"

taehyung said, "to buy you a laptop." and yoongi was a tad confused.

"what...what for?" he asked once again.

"so you can take online classes and get your diploma."

"no, tae, this is your birthday. i'm not letting you get anything for me. that's not how it works."

taehyung pouts and yoongi simply kisses it away, questions him again and at some point gives up because taehyung just enjoys aggravating him.

of course, one small kiss turns into two and then two turn into four and they end up kissing until both their lips are raw and swollen, because somehow they always end up with their mouths together and somehow yoongi never seems to care. as soon as they pull away, however, taehyung is fast asleep, so yoongi rolls off the younger boy and lays beside him in silence, staring at the low ceiling of the motel. he thinks about his family, something he's been doing a lot lately when ever he doesn't have taehyung to distract him. sometimes he even thinks about his brother, who, yoongi hopes, is okay and not too worried about him suddenly disappearing. yoongi hopes he's dealing fine with his life and is doing good in school as well as work.

who really worries him is his mother. he hates to think of her now a days but he just can't help himself. he hates to think that he's causing her pain and sometimes he wishes she'd just forget him. there were times when yoongi had almost gotten into a train to visit them or maybe stay in his room forever but he knew he couldn't do that taehyung. not now, not ever. so instead, he grabs his phone from the bed side table and quietly gets up to grab his bag, where he falls to his knees and pulls out his wallet, in there, his old SIM card taunts him.

with care, the blonde boy pulls it out and switches it with the new one only to have his phone blow up with messages and notifications. all from his mother and brother and at that point, he's already sobbing quietly into his fist.

he reads through all of them and then a new one comes through but he doesn't dare to click it because he knows that they'll be able to figure out that he's read it, most likely track him down until they finally find him and pull him away from the only boy that mattered to him. so instead, before it's too late, he takes the card and, angrily, throws it somewhere in the room. he's not sure where it landed, or rather he can't find the strength to give a damn. so instead he stays kneeling on the floor, ignores the pain of his knees bruising under his weight and lets himself fall forward until his forehead is pressed to the wooden surface. there, he weeps until he feels himself drift off.

he can't remember wether he passed out or fell asleep but he's just so caught up in the feeling of guilt that he doesn't notice the boy rubbing circles on his back. he wakes up and is quick to start crying again, phone pressed to his chest because he had never let go of it in the first place. loudly, he sobs, so stressed and homesick and the thought of leaving his mum just adding fuel to the fire. he remembers how fucking sick she'd gotten when she had found out about her husband's death, and that's all it takes for the hiccuping and shaking to worsen.

taehyung's there the whole time, grabbing yoongi and turning him around so the teen's head is pressed to his chest. maybe he does it so that yoongi can cry or just so he doesn't let the elder see as his tears escape the brim of his eyes. he decides it's both.

he combs through the the blonde hair pressed against him and whispers sweetly into the ladders ear in order to calm him down, though his trembling voice almost makes that impossible, he manages to get yoongi's breathing somewhat to normal. he cups the older's cheeks, and pulls his head back so he can stare into those bloodshot eyes, glassy and blown and it just makes him want to cry a bit himself. yoongi keens sadly, leaning into the touch and sniffling softly almost like a child would. taehyung just kisses the tip of the boy's button nose, red and runny and that's when taehyung can laugh, grabbing a tissue from the nearby bag to wipe away at the snot with gentle hands.

"we can go back, hyung." taehyung whispers and yoongi says, "no we can't. we're not going back."

so taehyung leaves it at that, and instead lets the hot water in the tub run so yoongi can dip into it. they end up asleep in there too.

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