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yoongi's engulfed in it. always has been ever since he and taehyung met. it wasn't planned or anything special. it was just something quiet, problematic yoongi had never really tried until he saw the look of a helpless boy being harassed in the back of an algebra classroom.

first year of high school, third year of being in the same schools as the kid with the bad reputation. not bad as in yoongi, vandalistic-teen-with-no-parents-don't-look-him-straight-in-the-eye-or-he'll-probably punch-you but more of gay-slut-who's-slept-with-so-many-men-and-women-that-we've-lost-track, neither true but still tittles that have stuck with them all the way up to their last year. he remembers well. it's why taehyung still gets beat no matter how hard yoongi tries to prevent it, and it's also why no one ever approaches yoongi unless completely necessary.

yoongi had decided that, hey, we're both infamous 15 year olds, lets fuck each other over and try to get through this hell as comrades (taehyung actually was still 14 at that time).

but somehow it became more than that. yoongi, at some point decided, i'm gonna protect this kid with my life and that's how it all really changed. he came to learn about taehyung's abusive father around the beginning of their second year, when he had found the younger boy curled on a bench, eyes puffy and red as well as face bruised and split; that's when something in his life finally started to matter.

like a rebirth, almost.

he was just there to make taehyung happy, to be happy with taehyung. that's all there really was to it. truth be told, he never imagined it would turn out like this. he never thought that he'd fall for the boy, much less date him. being tangled together like this; still bare and with fingers trailing anywhere they could.

unbelievable but yet, euphoric.

he loved every second of the lingering feel of taehyung's fingers on his skin, loved every long lasting kiss that taehyung would place on his lips, his neck, his forehead, he loved him. not even as his lover but as a human because he's just so glad he exists.

because if it wasn't for taehyung, yoongi would be a mess. they both know this. everyone knows this. as much as he tries to hide it, he knows that there's no way he would be able to be normal without taehyung there to remind him how.

he lets those thoughts be replaced by the sensation of fingers dancing along his side, tracing at his ribs, his hipbone, his leg. it's soft; delicate like everything else taehyung does when it comes to being like this with yoongi. the blonde sighs, mewls when taehyung's accidentally brushes over his still over sensitive shaft as he's smoothing his palms down the inside of his thighs

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