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with the sun illuminating the quiet room, it's easy for taehyung to move around with out bumping into anything that could wake his sleeping boyfriend up. he's not sure why he's awake but he is and he's picking up all their belongings because he knows that once yoongi wakes up, they're gonna be outta here in a matter of minutes.

he showers quickly, brushes his teeth and combs through his hair, pulling a pair of briefs on and struggling to get his jeans past his thighs. he stumbles frontwards but uses the bathroom sink for support only to flinch as a pair of tired eyes stare at him through the mirror, amusement clear as day as the owner strides closer towards him. cold hands brush against his hip bones and turn him around so he's pressed towards the cool surface of the sink. fingers hook through the belt loops of the black trousers and they're pulled up until they're over the curve of his lower back and buttoned so they fit snug over his hips.

"thanks, hyung." he blushes and yoongi pecks the younger teen's nose with a grin. "you're welcome, cutie."

taehyung makes space for shorter boy to stand in front of the mirror only to laugh when yoongi mutters curses under his breath as his fingers skim over the bruises and bites that litter over the inside of his sore thighs as well as his shoulders and neck. they're stark against his light complexion, purples and reds too noticeable for anyone to miss unless he covers them well.

"taehyung, you're a fucking neanderthal." he growls, glaring at said boy and taehyung mutters a soft 'sorry' in response, rubbing at his forearm in embarrassment. "i didn't think they were gonna be so noticeable." he states and yoongi can only sigh, reaching over to grab his toothbrush, at last, beginning to get ready to leave.

taehyung leaves yoongi in the bathroom as he hastily walks towards his bag to pull out something warm enough for the cool morning weather. he ends up with a black roll neck jumper that stops a bit over his mid thigh and reaches for a scarf to wrap around his shoulders. he can feel fingers trace the line of his spine and he twists his head to smile at yoongi, who chuckles softly and pulls the hem of the jumper over taehyung's torso. "you hungry?" the older teen asks and taehyung nods. "we can stop anywhere though, i don't mind."

yoongi smiles and reaches up to caress the taller boy's cheek. "i know you don't, love. you're so kind." he whispers, shivers as a hand trails up his thigh until it's resting over his waist. "my kind boy."

yoongi can feel, taste taehyung's lips along his tongue and he's not sure if it's what lingers from yesterday or just the way the teen is kissing his mouth right now, oh, so deeply. he can feel everything; from the tremble taehyung's fingers to the way he catches his bottom lip in between his own puffy mouth. it makes him crave so much more so when he feels himself being pushed backwards until his shoulders hit the wall, he doesn't tell the boy to stop. he lets his breath get taken away by the chocolate eyed male until everything is a blur. he can feel the heat pooling at his cheeks and he's a still a little shy but he doesn't stop. his heart is beating obnoxiously loud and he's sort of scared that taehyung can sense it, hear it from where it's pounding in yoongi's chest.

"tae," he mumbles, pulling back only to sigh when said teen presses further into him, their chests, hips, foreheads pressed together and nearly molding into one as they pant into each other's faces. "t-tae, i gotta get dressed."

taehyung blushes, cups yoongi's face in his hands and lets their lips brush. "i just wanna– wanna kiss you a little more." a warm flush rose to the back of yoongi's neck as he tilted his head leaning up a little closer but not yet touching taehyung's lips. he opens his mouth, as if to speak, closes it again, because he can't quite get the words out, but they're so close. yoongi's eyes flicker from tae's eyes to his rosy lips and back up to stare with blown pupils, waiting for the moment where taehyung presses into his mouth once again. and he does. kisses him like he's the best thing in the world until they're forced to pull away because it's almost 9 and they're gonna miss the train if they don't let each other go.

taehyung watches from the bed as yoongi dresses himself, hands under his thighs and lip caught between his teeth because he knows that he won't hesitate to grab the older teen again if he doesn't restrain himself. for a second he wonders, when did his hyung started dressing so adorably? a big jumper, airy around the boy's small body, paired with some jeans that stop a little before his ankles, both black in color, and those white trainers that taehyung remembers slipping on the same morning they left. and then there's a scarf to hide the love bites that litter the boy's neck. yoongi closes the bag and slings it over his shoulders, turns to shyly smile at taehyung, who stares at him fondly, lost in thoughts about how pretty the smaller male is. he's only snapped back into reality when yoongi walks closer with his hands clenched around the edge of his sweater with pink flushing at his cheeks.

he's heavier than normal, do to the bag over his back, but taehyung doesn't protest when yoongi straddles his lap and wraps his arms around him, face snuggling in the crook of his neck and feeling as the boy inhales into it. instead he shifts him further onto his body, one hand curling softly around his thigh, the other hugging the small of his back.

they stay like that for a little while until yoongi decides that it's time to leave. they walk to the train station in silence, either it being too cold for either of them to speak properly or just yoongi being quiet as he usually is. and it's a little crowded when they get on but neither really minded as long as they were next to each other.

yoongi still remembers the elderly woman that had asked him if he and his 'brother' were headed anywhere specific. taehyung had been sleeping with his head resting over yoongi's shoulder, unaware.

yoongi had laughed. the woman; smiling along.

"he's not my brother, miss. he's my boyfriend." yoongi had said and the look of shock hadn't been less than expecting. what was more surprising was the small smile that had taken over the lady's face. "take good care of your boy, sweetheart."

and she got off on the next station, most likely for yoongi to never see again.

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