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they spend a whole hour play fighting, at some point they throw the pillows across the room, who knows where, and yoongi's pouncing taehyung down to the creaking cushion of the unmade bed. they wrestle for a while, taehyung letting yoongi do most the work because he loves seeing the teen excited. he let's him push his wrists to his sides without any protest and smiles when yoongi beams proudly.

"gotcha you son of a bitch!" he huffs, legs straddling taehyung's torso and hands curling around the male's chest. they pant loudly in the dark room and yoongi stops to admires the soft light from outside framing taehyung's smirking face. his chest heaves up and down but that doesn't stop him from speaking only for taehyung to hear.

"you remind me of a grinning bobcat." he whispers, leaning down to nudge his nose with the boy beneath him and the younger teen chuckles breathlessly. "a cute bobcat..."

it's silent for a while after that, just their heavy breathing and the feeling of yoongi's weight over taehyung's ribs, his breath continuously against the dip of his chin, forehead pressed against his own matching the saccharine atmosphere surrounding the room.

and taehyung couldn't think of a better time to bring up the subject.

"hey, hyung,"

yoongi hums, opens his eyes to meet taehyung's chocolate ones.

"what if we ran away?"

and the boy's eyes grew slightly in size.

"ran away?" he asks, watching taehyung nod.

"do...do you want to?"

another nod. a more hesitant one.

"w-what about school?"

"we can sign up again, somewhere far where it's just us. no mum, no brother..." yoongi watches taehyung swallow thickly and smiles when said boy's seem to shine a bit brighter.

"no dad."

the eldest almost coos when he sees the small pull of taehyung's lips as he says those two little words. and to be completely honest, it doesn't sound too bad.

just taehyung and him.


where they don't have to be judged or follow any rules or be relevant.

just two boys.

two boys enamored by each other.

it sounds like heaven in yoongi's ears.

but he's snap out of his fantasy and reality hits him.

"where would we live?" he asks, "where would we get money?"

"we'll figure something out, we can combine our money, live in a hotel or something while we find jobs and then move in together. a cheap little studio-apartment since i know you like to work on your music."

yoongi lets a laugh, "you've really thought about this, huh?"

taehyung responds with a nod.

"yeah. for a long time. i have around ₩800,000 saved up. maybe i can steal some from mum too, since i'm the only one who knows where she hid it before she died."

"do you know how much she hid?"



yoongi finally ends up taking this seriously. he calculates his savings throughly and how they'd manage their money together. he felt as if everything was coming together. slowly but surely.

"i have ₩500,000 if we put them together it's ₩1,500,00 we'd have enough money for the train, food and 3 months in a motel."

"you're not taking your car?" the elder shakes his head.

"it costs more to buy gasoline than to refill my metro pass."

"but it's your baby! we've been through so much with that car!"

yoongi sighs however, pushes himself up from where he laid on top of taehyung and searches around in his cabinet, pulling out wrapped up paper bills and grabbing his hiking bag pack from under his bed to stuff them in a hidden pocket of the black bag.

"if we're really doing this taehyung, we can't risk wasting more money than we have to." he states, searching around the room for any loose change or bills. "that car is pretty fucking old and we can't have it breakdown in the middle of nowhere and then having to waste even more money fixing it."

"i guess you have a point." the teen sighs but looks up at yoongi with an unsettling stare in his eyes. yoongi notices and drops the bag to crawl to taehyung's side once again.

"what's wrong, cutest boy in the world?" yoongi asks, cupping taehyung cheeks in his hands and leaning up to catch the boy's lips in a soft peck.

"all my stuff is at home...and i'm scared to go back."

yoongi sighs in understanding.

"that's okay taehyung. you don't have to."

"yes i do, we can't survive on only ₩500,000. that's not nearly enough."

"i can get the money."

"no. i would never forgive myself if my dad laid even a single finger on you."

yoongi lets a small chuckle.

funny you say that. he thinks, and finally lays both him and taehyung on the bed once again so he can press his head to taller boy's chest. he listens to his heartbeat, letting it calm his own quickly pounding chest.

"ah, taehyung, the things i do for you."

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