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taehyung and yoongi sit side by side on the couch, yoongi's mother sitting in the love seat across and staring at the two boys. she seems expectant, though she already knows what they have to say but yoongi has the feeling she wants to hear it out of his own mouth.

but he's frozen.

he opens his mouth, closes it, opens it again only to let out some sort of choked sound that's almost inaudible but do to the close proximity, taehyung hears it and so he nudges yoongi; encourages him to let it out.

"so, mum," he manages to say, feels a hand sliding between the small space left between his and taehyung's thigh and realizes it's the latter's, so he simply slides his own hand so it's twined with the teen's and that's what sets his mind at peace. "uhm, i just wanted to–to tell you that me and taehyung are...dating, i guess. i'm not sure i-if i'm gay or bi or something but...i just–i just really like...taehyung. a lot." and though yoongi knew she was going to, be still feels a sense of relieve when she smiles.

"i'm glad you two made up." she says, yoongi squeezes taehyung's hand. "i just...i'm really proud that you found someone you really love, yoongi. that's really the only important thing here." yoongi watches as the woman stands up, walks closer towards him and places a kiss to his forehead, to which yoongi leans into and smiles. and like when everything started out, yoongi feels their relationship is finally complete.

once she pulls back, however, she grins towards him "but, of course," she continues, "that means you can't close the door to your bedroom. at least not when i'm here." and yoongi gawks at her.

"why not?!" he asks. and she cocks a brow, smirking towards taehyung this time, causing for the teen to flush red. yoongi sinks into the couch and with a chuckle, ms. min disappears behind the wall that separates them from the kitchen.

"by the way, yoongi, i got an email from the school." she calls out, yoongi pushes himself off the couch and follows his mother into the kitchen, taehyung trailing behind him. "what did it say?" he asks and she glares. "basically you two can't miss a single day of school after december or you'll both fail."

yoongi gulps.

"i didn't know you were suspended, yoongi."

he says, "i have a good excuse!" and ms. min crosses her arms over her chest, leaning against the kitchen sink. "what's a good enough excuse to justify beating 3 kids to the pulp?" she asks.

"they jumped taehyung." yoongi says and the woman brings a hand up to high five the teen, who reciprocates to the gesture almost immediately, triggering a snort from the younger boy who's now sitting on the counter.

"i should ground you but they should've known better."

"also i'm 19, it'd be a little humiliating if you were to ground me at this age and of course, you wouldn't do that to your precious son, now would you?" yoongi joked, nudging his head against the crook of his mother's neck as he batted his eyes. she rolls her eyes and scoffs, prying yoongi off her by his ear, which resulted in taehyung letting out a loud laugh and the blonde yelping out at the sting.

he winces and mutters profanities, trying to free himself until at last the woman lets go, and yoongi stumbles backwards a little but simply rubs his now red ear. "that fucking hurt!" he growls and ms. min grins triumphantly. "it was meant to." she says, watches yoongi pout in her direction before taking the spot next to taehyung on the kitchen counter.

"next week is taehyung's birthday." yoongi brings up, side eyeing the boy with a small smile tugging at his lips, to which the male returns, cute and rectangular.

the woman says, "yeah, i know." and smiles. "it's also new years which means we get to buy two cakes." she squeals excitedly.

"you don't have work?" yoongi asks and she shakes her head. "actually, i was gonna tell you during dinner but i got a promotion in one of my jobs which means i don't have to work so much. i'll be home more often!" and yoongi smiles widely because it's like everything is turning back around.

"that's great, mum." he praises and she beams, does so in a way that shows that she's still young and energetic. yoongi can't recall the last time he's seen her so happy and that makes him feel warm and complete.

yoongi looks up at taehyung with eyes sparkling, and the younger boy can see the happiness in them. they turn into slits when the blonde cracks into a smile and taehyung loves how his cheeks turn a rosy hue, which triggers a smile of his own.

the whole room feels like it's glowing, happy vibes making it lively and it's something yoongi hasn't been able to feel for a long time.

"can we help cook dinner?" yoongi asks and she says, "of course, baby."

so that's what the two teens do. they push themselves off the counter and onto their feet and wash their hands, taehyung playfully bumping yoongi's shoulder with his own and yoongi splashing water onto taehyung for being annoying. and since they can't take anything seriously when they're together, they're both a mess.

a stew.

at least that's what they had attempted to make.

"how on earth do you make such a mess by cutting vegetables and putting them into a pot?" ms. min had asked them, scolded rather because the floor was full of herbs.  "how the hell did you get flour on your selves?! it's not even part of the recipe!"

and so they got stuck on cleaning duty. yoongi cleaning the floor and taehyung cleaning the counter and then the stove once ms. min had finished the cooking. however, before eating, they're forced to shower, told to do it separately but they don't listen, so yoongi ends up pressed against the wall with taehyung nibbling his bottom lip and their hips slotted together like puzzle pieces.

"this is crazy– you're fucking crazy." taehyung had panted, hands sliding downwards to grip one of yoongi's thighs.

but yoongi had only grinned, "you're driving me completely crazy." and they continued on like that until a knock on the door forced them to pull away.

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