chapter 4

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Few weeks later.

"Layla, wake up darling." She heard mammy's voice. Layla wonders what this woman wants again right now.

"It is 7:30 already and you know we are expecting visitors." She added and stormed out of the room.

Innalillahi, the gaisuwa!

Layla quickly jerked out of the bed. She's totally forgotten about it. She entered the bathroom, took her bath with a raspberry shower gel. She came out, dried her wet body and rubbed her vanilla body shop cream. She went to her closet to look for something to wear.

She finds it really annoying when She can't find anything to wear. She called Ibty and told her that She couldn't find anything suitable and surprisingly she's already there at Layla's house.

"Hafsatu." She heard ibty's voice from the corridor.

She entered and went straight to Layla's closet and brought out a simple atamfa skirt and blouse. She finished dressing up, She gotta admit but the clothes fit perfectly.

After Ibty finished nagging that She should put on some make up, She finally agreed.

"Iyı, just a little." She said.


She finished making up her face, and mashallah She looks good. It's a really minimal makeup, just a little foundation, lipgloss and mascara.

"Okay, its time to go yallah." She said.

She sprayed her jimmy choo perfume and picked a matching veil and headed downstairs. She stopped and took a deep breathe when She reached the living room and entered with her right leg.

"Assalamu Alaikum." She said as She entered the living room.

"Ina wunin ku, ya hanya?" She squatted and greeted the guests.

"Lafiya lau, Alhamdulillah." They replied.

God, this is so embarrassing.

She found her way to mammy's and sat on the carpet. She kept playing with her Swarovski bracelet, A birthday gift from her brother, ya Muhammad.

"Salati goma ga annabi." A man said.

"Sallalahu Alaihiwasallam." They all chorused. 

After praying, the elders excused themselves from the living room after making the introductions and whatnot.

She doesn't even know who this guy is seff, they left only the two of them in the living room. He was wearing blue khaftan with a matching cap. Wait! She knows that face....the eyes....yeah the guy from cold stone..

"Are you done checking me out?." He said with a smirk.

Cocky little jerk.

"How are you?" He chuckled.

"I'm fine Alhamdulillah, you?" She asked

"I'm good, Alhamdulillah." He replies

Silence! Silence! Silence!!

"So, you're Muhammad's younger sister?" He asked.

She mentally rolled her eyes.

Well, Duh.

"Yeah, I am." She simply answers

"That's good, haven't seen you in a very long time. You've grown." He said with a smirk again.

All She wants to do is swipe that smirk off his devilishly handsome face! Was she supposed to stay young forever. She thought.

She ignored him and asked. "How's work?"

"Lafiya Alhamdulillah, what are you studying?" He asked

"Civil Engineering"

"Okay, that's good." He said.

Silence again

"Sorry guys, but its time to go." Interrupted a guy who earlier introduced himself as khalifa and Muhammad's Friend said.

"Okay goodbye, Layla" Muhammad said.

She just nodded.

It wasn't bad after all.

It wasn't good either.

Hope you guys enjoyed 🌼




Love you always 💙


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