chapter 23

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Ramadan Mubarak beautiful people💕

Henna party


It's currently 1pm , Layla and Ibty are in Layla's room eating brunch, everyone in the house is busy with guests. Layla just finished her gyaran jiki and resting before the event starts. "Layls." She heard someone called but she chose to ignore.

For god's sake why can't they allow someone t rest in this house. Not even up to a minute she heard the door opened and revealing Ruqaiya.

''Ruqaiya!." She screamed and hugged her cousin tightly. She hugged her back and hugged ibty too ''I missed you so much you guys and Aunty Zainab said you should get ready the women doing the henna are here''

''Oh Allah I just finished gyaran jiki." Layla, said face palmed.

Today is the 'lalle'  henna day then tomorrow the kamu. Ya Meena came in and dropped a simple purple atamfa. "Get ready and come down, as you can hear 'masu kidan kwarya' are here already and eveeryone's waiting." She said and walked out.they decided to keep it very traditional (to honor her Hausa side).

Layla entered the bathroom and took her bath with the scented soap Baana gave her. She came out and dried herself then slipped into the purple atanfa skirt and blouse. Ibty wore a simple green atamfa gown while Ruqaiya wore a red and white atamfa gown too. Norah came in dressed up in a greenish and brown atamfa.

''You guys should come down." She said and left.

Ibty, Ruqaiya and Layla went to the living room and saw their friends, they walked to the backyard where the henna party's gonna be. People are yodeling, chatting, eating and having the times of their lives.

All Layla's cousins from Turkey that are her mates or close to her age are here, Ece, Azra, Belgin, Aygül, Halime, and Melike

Layla and her friends and cousins walked to the beautifully decorated tent and she sat on one of the cushions. The henna artist applied tumeric all over her hands and legs to make the henna look more beautiful. After few minutes, she was helped rinsed the tumeric off with a perfumed water, her hair was washed by with lavender water by Her Aunt Selvi. The henna artist whose name is Amina is also from Maiduguri, she can design very well.

''Let's start." She said in her kanuri accent with a smile. She started designing Layla's legs first. Norah came with her henna beautifully designed.

''Look at my henna, Ya Layla." She said showing me her hands.

"It looks so beautiful, mashallah." Layla said to her sister.

The 'masu kidan kwarya' are doing a good job because her aunts and some children are on the dance floor dancing really hard. She was seated with her friends snapping pictures and talking  on the carpet, the photographer came after she was done with her henna and snapped while everyone showed her beautiful lalle

Layla's henna dried, Amina helped her wash it. After washing it, she brought turaren wuta and Layla placed her hands and legs there to make the henna darken and glow.

''Jebbah, lemme see your lalle." She said to her and she showed it to her.

''Thank you Layls, but yours is out of the world wallah, Muhammad's Wifey." She said and Layla blushed.

She told Norah to pass her water. She is so thirsty , she is so tired she wanna sleep. Ibty came and sat in front of Layla showing her her lalle. "Since no one is asking to see mine." She said rolling her eyes.

''Aww canım, yours is pretty just like you." Layla winked at her. Ibty did simple flowers with red henna. It fits her perfectly because of her very light skin color.

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