Chapter 16

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Gelin (bride)
Kız (girl)
Abla (sister)
Ağabey (elder brother)
Bacım (sister)
Canım (my dear)
Nolur/ lütfen (please)
Kuzum (my little lamb or my dear)
Aşkım (my love)
Damat (groom)
Sağol (thanks)
Teşekkürler (thank you)
Güzel (beautiful)


Ibty and Layla got bored so they decided to turn on the tv. Friends was playing so they both decided to watch it although both of them have finished the whole series.

They were half way through the episode when the doorbell rang. It has to be Ni'imah.

They thought..

Layla stood up to go and open the door. Immediately She opened her mouth went ajar from screaming............

"Monaaaaaaaa." She hugged her tight.

"Do you wanna make me deaf" She asked hugging Layla back.

Mona is is Layla's cousin through mammy's side. Her mum Ayşe Teyze is Mammy's first cousin so she's also Turkish, her father Uncle Khalifa is from Yemen. Mona has 2 sisters Marwa and Ayla.

They all live in The UK, in London.

"Mona you didn't tell me you were coming" Layla smacked her arm.

"I even thought it was Ni'imah." Ibty said coming out from the bathroom smiling at Mona.

Ibty and Mona are also cousins. Uncle Khalifa(Mona's dad) and Aunty Hamida (Ibty's mom) are as well siblings. How cool is that?

"Please tell me you're sleeping over?" Layla asked directing the question to Mona.

"Well, I don't know yet." She said sitting down on a couch.

"You better do because Ni'imah is coming today too." Ibty chirped in.

Layla went to the kitchen to make tea. When Mona followed and asked her

"Sevgilin nasıl (How's your Boo)?"

"Sevgilim? Hmm" She replied rolling her eyes.

"Why the hmm?" She asked looking confused.

"They're still trying to get along I guess." Ibty said

"Please let's not talk about it" Layla said leaving the kitchen.

They are now in the living room talking about everything and nothing when they heard the doorbell 'ring ring'

Now it definitely has to be Ni'imah. She's really missing her wallah. She stood up to get the door.

"Laylatu" The coconut head girl squealed hugging Layla tight to the extent that She couldn't breathe.

"Ke! Kin matse ni, let go of me" Layla said trying to breathe.

"Well, I missed you that's why." She said rolling her eyes.

They walked to the living room where the girls are. Ibty and Ni'imah did some wired thing claiming they missed each other while Mona just stood there looking at them confused.

Layla introduced Mona to Niimah.


"So Layla, how do you feel now that going to get married?" Ni'imah asked eating her popcorn.

Layla looked up from her phone "Normal, now"

Mona opened her mouth to say something then Layla's phone rang. She saw the name on the caller ID. It's Mr Moh. She hesitated for a second before She picked.

"Assalamu alaikum. He said the salam.

"Waalaikumsalam" Layla replied standing up to go to her room.

"Awww! Habibi has called" She heard them teasing.

She entered the room and sat at the edge of the bed. "How are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine, you?"

"I'm fine too Alhamdulillah, how was your day?" He asked.

"Well my day is going well now that I have companiess" She said dragging the 's'

"That's good, how's school and all?" He asked in a husky voice.

"Fine Alhamdulillah, how's work?"

He sighed. "Work is so stressful wallah, I literally just came back"

"Ayya you should go and rest"

They talked for a while before she shooed him to go and rest. He kept complaining about how working is stressful bla bla bla.

Layla went back to the living room and saw the girls all on their phones. So She decided to break the silence.

"Hey guys, what should we do?"

"Makeup!" Mona said. Mona is a really good makeup artist she does it for brides and she even make models face.

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea" Ni'imah said and Ibty agreed.

Mona went to get her makeup kit. She started with ibty. While Ni'imah and Layla were busy with their phones.

"Guys, how does she look?" Mona asked them.

Layla raised her head to look at Ibty. She looks beautiful mashallah. Mona, Ni'imah and Layla took some pictures of her and posted on their snapchat.

"Layla you're next." Mona said.

"Why don't you start with Ni'imah" Layla said with a pout.

"Okay then, come on Ni'imah." She said.

She started Ni'imah's makeup. Ni'imah being Ni'imah couldn't resist it, she kept looking at the mirror even after Mona told her not to. After their arguments they finally finished.

"Wow! My baby looking all too hot!" Layla said, raising her brows teasingly.

"Omg! Ni'imah your man will go gaga when he sees you." Ibty said.

"Sadly there isn't a man." Ni'imah said pouting

Layla stood up and went to Mona's before she even looks at her.

"Please Mona I want a light makeup and no lashes no lipstick, just nude." Layla said to Mona.

"I'll try" she said winking

After what it felt like forever to Layla, her makeup was done and She must say.

She looks beautiful.

"Ya Muhammad is so gonna see this" Ni'imah said wiggling her brows.

"Definitely" Ibty and Mona agreed.

She told Mona that she didn't want lashes but Ibty and niimah insisted that She should please wear it, so She did. The makeup is very beautiful

Mona did her makeup too which turned out very beautiful too.

They snapped a lot of pictures and posted on snapchat. Ni'imah told Layla she was going to send her pictures to Muhammad. After telling her or rather warning her not to, she did it anyway.

Luckily he didn't reply which clearly means he might be sleeping or he's just too tired to check it.

Thankfully for Layla. She didn't want him to see her with makeup, or anything.

They cleaned out makeup after taking tons of pictures, ate and got ready for bed. They had a really tiring day wallah. After talking and having fun for a while they all drifted to a deep slumber at around 4am.

Hey guys! How was this chapter? Good huh? Well please the usual so


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