Chapter 13

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Hey guys sorry for the late update. I've been busy ne. Eid Ul Adha


Layla cooked a Turkish meal, set the table and went to take a hot shower before their arrival. She took a shower her with a lavender shower gel, rubbed her body shop cocoa butter and dressed up in a navy blue yoga pants and a white t shirt.

She went to the living room to make sure everything was fine when She heard the door bell rings. She quickly went to get it knowing it's them.

As soon as She opens the door She was greeted with a bone crushing hug from Ni'imah.

"Ni'imah, oh my goodness. I missed you so much wallah." She said, hugging her back.

"I missed you more, how are you?." She asked.

She replied her then turned to Her sister Loubna.

"Ina wuni, ya hanya?"

"Lafiya Alhamdulillah, Layla. How's school?" She replied as Layla reached for her baby Nadia.

They sat down in the living room couch while she stood there by the room door.

"It looks like I'm invisible right here."
She heard a voice.

"Hi, how was the trip?." She asked with a shy smile.

"Fine Alhamdulillah, how are you?"
He asked.

"I'm fine too"

They are all sitted in the living room when the girls said they wanted to pray, She showed them the bathroom and her room then She came back to the living room where Mr Moh was.

"Aren't you going to pray?" She asked.

"No, I've prayed at the airport." He replied.

His phone started to ring which he immediately answered.

"Hey Yasmin, yeah mun iso." He said.

So it's even a girl, could it be his girlfriend? Even if it is his girlfriend must he pick the phone call in front of her. Layla thought.

Jealousy started taking over as She listens to the conversation between Muhammad and the girl, yasmin which includes 'I miss you too'.

"Did I interrupt something?" Came Niimah's voice

"No nothing." Layla replied with a smile.

"It is time to eat." She said as they all moved to the dining table.

They all sat down when Layla heard the doorbell, she went to get it and to her utter surprise it was Ya Muhammad.

"Ağabey (Big Brother)." She hugged him tightly.

"Hi Hafsatu, ya kike?"

"Lafiya, you didn't tell me you were coming?." She said and he replied.

"I wanted to surprise you."

She ushered him to the dining table, they greeted each other, him and Muhammad did a manly hug.

They all ate and chatted before the men excused themselves leaving the girls alone in the living room.

Ya Loubna is friendly as well, she asked of Layla's sister, Meena and about her studies. Her baby Nadia is so cute mashallah, she's mates with Nasreen.

Mr Moh and ya muhammad came back after some while..

Layla missed her big brother so much.

"Ağabey, when did you come back?." She asked her brother.

"Yesterday afternoon." He replied.

"Oh Cool." She nodded.

They talked for a while and before they knew it it was already ten pm so they left to their house and Muhammad took a train to Reading.


It's been two weeks after the dinner with Muhammad and his sisters and since that day Layla hasn't seen or talked to him. Ni'imah has left for Leicester a week ago and She's left all alone again.

She talks to Ni'imah and Ibty everyday so She's less bored, plus she reads for school as usual.

It's Saturday and She's here sitting in the living room watching Game of thrones when She heard her phone ringing, She checked the caller ID and saw ya Meena's name. She quickly picked up the call and screamed..

"Ya Meeenaaa." She squealed.

"Layla, ya kike?" She repied from the other end.

"I'm fine ya meena, where's my baby Nasreen?"

"She is fine Alhamdulillah." She replied.

"Layla, we are coming over later so get ready." She added.

"Really? Yay! I can't wait to see you, let me go and shower seff." Layla said happily.

"kazaman banza(dirty girl)." She said, chuckling and hung up.


Layla heard the bell, She's pretty sure it's ya meena. She quickly went and opened the door and not to her surprise it was her. She jumped on her and screamed

"Ya Meeenaaa"

"Don't wake up my sleeping daughter." She said, hugging her back.

"Allah sarki, muma Allah ya bamu daughter." Layla replied rolling her eyes and smiled.

She reached for baby Nasreen. She went into her room and lay Nasreen down before they prayed and head out for the shopping and yawo. She dressed up in a blue denim jeans and a black turtleneck, then picked up a mustard turban.

Ya Meena came in and prayed, She picked up Nasreen and strapped her in her push chair then they headed out.

Hey guys ❤️ the usuals
Thank you💗


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