Chapter 18

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🎀🎀🎀  One week later....

Layla was sleeping peacefully on her cozy bed when her stomach turned and puke started coming. She quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up. She came back to the room and checked the time on the wall clock. Its only 9:06.

She lay down and dragged her comfy duvet and drifted into her thinking world. She stood up and picked her robe from the couch and headed to the kitchenette upstairs to make hot chocolate. She isn't surprise that no one is up. She made her hot chocolate and settled on a couch and switched on the tv and changed to Disney junior. Weired huh? She really enjoys it..

As She was enjoying her mickey mouse club house norah came out looking like a zombie, her hair like a birds nest.

''Ya Layla, lütfen değiştir (please change it).'' She said referring to the Disney j.

''Beni rahatsız etme (Don't disturb me), I was watching peacefully before you wake up''. She said rolling her eyes.

After like 30 minutes of Norah's pleases, Layla finally gave her the remote and went back to her room to take her shower before breakfast.

She entered the bathroom and took a long and relaxing bath with body shop watermelon shower gel. She came out and walked to her closet to look for something to wear as usual. She finally spotted a red and white atamfa skirt and blouse. She combed her hair and packed it in a low bun and tied her dankwali the 'ture ka ga tsiya' style, picked her phone and headed downstairs to the dining area where the rest of the family are.

She sat on a chair next to mammy and pecked her cheek. "How come you're up early today, kuzum (my dear)." Daddy asked her. Their dad also knows how to speak Turkish because of his wife of course. He understood and spoke the language fluently. Perks of being married to a Turkish woman for nearly thirty years.

''Daddy stomach woke me up, if not I would've still be in bed." She replied and sighed.

They ate their breakfast in silence well except for Norah and Nabeel's voices while she is chatting with Ibty. Daddy cleared his throat which got all their attention.

''We'll be going to katsina tomorrow inshallah." He said.

''Daddy by air or by road?" Norag asked.

Layla prayed it's by air, because she can't sit in the car for almost seven hours.

''By road inshallah." He replied standing up saying he was already late for office.

Norah and Layla both groaned at the same time. "Mammy i am going to Ni'imah's house, she just came back yesterday''

''Drivers yok (The are no drivers)." She said then Layla turned to Nabeel, who was on a phone call.

''Lütfen Ya Nabeel beni Ni'imah'ın evine götür (Please Ya Nabeel take me to Ni'imah's house)'' She pouted. She only calls him 'ya' when she wants something from him.

"No no and no" he shook his head.

''Nolur Ağabey (please brother)." She begged.

''I planned on staying at home all day." He replied.

After like thousands of please he finally agreed and told her to go get ready.

She went to her room and searched for a matching veil, She applied some lipgloss, mascara and khol. Sprayed her woody perfume, picked her phones and handbag and went downstairs.

They went to the parking lot and entered his Audi and halted out of their house. "Yakışıklı ağabeyim (Handsome bro), please since we are in maitama can we pick up Ibty?'' She asked battling her lashes.

''Sen nasıl bir kızsın? (Ke wane irin yarinya ce?) Do I look like your driver?" He groaned and She laughed.

''I'm so sorry, please she won't take time." Layla promised.

They arrived at Ibty's house in maitama, Layla called her and she came out almost immediately.

''Hey guys." She said as she entered the back seat.

''Hey Ibty." Nabeel and Layla said at the same time.

Ibty and Layla started to talk about random stuff just to annoy her  'Yakışıklı ağabeyin'. They soon arrived at the Yerima's mansion, they thanked Nabeel and walked to the entrance. They knocked twice. A tall slim fair girl who is around 22 opened the door.

She just walked away after opening the door for them, she didn't even know how to say hello or something, shes just chewing gum like a prostitute. astagfirullah.

They just ignored her and walked to the living room. Layla picked her phone and called Ni'imah telling her that they are downstairs, the crazy girl did not believe.

"Wallah, I'm serious. We are downstairs, me and Ibty." Layla said, chuckling.

''Okay toh ina zuwaaa." She squealed from the other end.

Two minutes  later the Ni'imah came downstairs to where they are and.....

''Omg omg omg." She screamed hugging ibty and Layla.

''I cant believe you guys are really here." She added.

Layla chuckled. "We're here!"

''You can let go of us now, we are not going anywhere and plus I can't breathe well." Ibty said

She told the maid to bring refreshment and bring it to her room. She told Layla that Muhammad and his mom were out of town so their cousin is staying with them for a while.

They were sitting in Ni'imah's room when the girl that opened the door for them entered and sat down at the other end of the bed.

''Juwairah, this is Layla i was telling you about, ya Muhammad's fiancée." Ni'imah said to the girl whose name's juwairah

''And this is Ibty." She added nodding towards Ibty.

''Oh, sannun ku." Juwairah said not looking up from her phone.

Layla just looked at Ibty and smiled. The maid knocked and entered the room with a tray full of refreshments.

''Why didn't you guys mention that you were coming?'' She asked.

''You left me there, Kaman nayi hauka wallahi, it was so boring when you left. Exams was killing me." She added.

''We wanted to surprise you. So, surprise!'' Layla said with a small smile.

They talked about everything and nothing including the upcoming wedding of course. Ni'imah told them that her cousin juwairah has a thing for Muhammad that's why she was acting all grumpy earlier, ever since she heard of his engagement to Layla.

''She was really angry when she learned that ya Muhammad is getting married." She said after telling them how the girl is, she's so somehow she doesn't even know why she's in Abuja and bla bla bla.


Layla came back home an hour ago and there's absolutely nothing to do, she carried her macbook and went to Norah's room. She was watching pretty little liars season 6. Layla lay on the bed and switched on her laptop and played vampire diaries season 8.

She started to feeling sleepy so she went back to her room and prayed isha, changed into her pjs and jumped on her super comfortable bed. She recited her adhkar and turned off the bed side lamp. She heard her phone buzzed, she checked and saw an unknown number she ignored it and slept off because tomorrow is gonna be a long dayyy....


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