Chapter 38

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It's been months since Sabrina's birthday party. Everything is going on smoothly for Layla and Muhammad. Well, except for with Muhammad and juwairah.

Earlier during the month, that little brat called her mother crying that Muhammad has never made love to her and that he doesn't even speak to her now a days. She even complained that she her house is too small for her that she wants to be living in the same estate as Layla. In Banda Neman magana. Smh

Aunty Muneera being her self threw a tantrum to Her sister, hajiya Maryama. Muhammad's parents simply said ok to everything Aunty Muneera requested, as she's their elder and don't want any drama.

As of now, juwairah moved into the house's guest guestroom two weeks ago before they finished her house. Layla has been ignoring her even though she finds way to make Layla talk.

Today is Saturday, Muhammad is not at home and Layla is currently in the kitchen cooking lunch for her husband, Sabrina is at Ya Meena's place.

Juwairah's house that is literally next door to Layla's.

"Wallahi juwairah Keh kike kyale ta ta Ke maki duk abun da take so a gidan nan. Doesn't she know that you're not just his wife but his cousin? Gaskiya we have to delete her from your perfect love picture." Her friend said.

"Saf I just need time, I mean ya Muhammad hasn't even laid with me fah. We have been married for almost a year Amman bey kusance ni ba"

"Tabdi! It's because of that his wife that he doesn't even want to. Shi he does not care, yana da wata matar Ke kuma shi kadai ne mijin ki. Ki tsaya kina shashanchi kar kiyi komai. You better act before it's too late, it's like she has him wrapped around her little finger and the fact that she has a child with him too is not helping"

Juwairah thought for a while before nodding "What should we do?"

Saf grinned widely yet evilly. "We are going to make him your puppet and we are going to make him hate every bit of her"

Juwairah looked scared for a bit but then she shrugged that off, after all she'll have him the way she wants.

Layla finished cooking and is making her way up the stairs when she heard hisses and abusive curses. She just smiled and ignored them, she reached her room and stripped out of her simple boubou.

She wrapped a fluffy blue towel around her body and entered the bathroom to have her bath. She took her time to scrub her body. She finished and came out, she plugged her hair dryer and dried her long black silky hair.

She finished and got dressed in a blue mom jeans and a purple sweatshirt, she picked a black turban. She picked her phone and went to her living upstairs to watch tv. She sat down on the three seater opposite the tv and switched it on.

Earlier during the day, she recorded GOT season eight episode one. She was done watching the episode and just chatting on her phone when she heard the salam. She answered and looked up at him smiling.

"Hi daddy"

He came and sat next to her. "Hi  Maama".

He placed a kiss on her cheek. "How was your day?"

"It was fine Alhamdulillah. How was yours?"

"It was fine, now let me go shower" He said, standing up and heading to his room.

She continued to chat on her phone with her friends. Her cousin Ruqaiya told her that she was coming over tomorrow inshallah. She couldn't be more happy.

Not long after, Muhammad came out all dressed up in a black jeans and a navy blue button-up shirt. He gave Layla his hand which she gladly took and they want downstairs side by side looking so happy talking about random stuff. Some people won't even say that their marriage was arranged for they look very happy together.

They reached downstairs, passed through the living room to the dining room. Juwairah caught a glimpse of them and all of a sudden she felt the urge to split them apart. The jealousy was eating at her, that time she vowed to make Muhammad hers no matter what it'll cause.

She hissed and turned to her friend. "Saf, please let's go out. I need to breathe and I'm clearly not doing so in this house" juwairah hissed and carried her phone and bag. She and her friend left through the front door, leaving a bang on the door.

Muhammad just looked at Layla and they both burst into a series of laughter. They finished eating over a conversation, stood up and left to the living room to watch tv.

"Saf are you sure this is a good idea?" Asked a nervous juwairah.

"Keh dallah banza, ki kwantar da hankalin ki. All is going to be well." Saf said walking towards a direction of a abandoned house

"No saf, what if we get caught? I'm scared"

Saf stopped and looked at her. "Do you want your husband to love you or do you want to continue being the third party." She said.

Juwairah sighed and robbed her temple.

Saf rolled her eyes "I mean the choice is yours"

After a while, juwairah agreed and they went ahead to the Mallam's place. They did their thing and left. She dropped saf at home and went home.

As she entered, she saw Muhammad in the living room looking so angry. "Where the hell are you coming from? Who's permission did you ask to go out? juwairah for Allahs sake it's past eleven"

She hissed "it's none of your business where I'm coming from ya Muhammad and I didn't need your permission because I'm no less than a wife in this goddamn house. You don't treat me like one do I don't see you as my husband, therefore leave me the hell alone"

With that she stomped to her room. Muhammad couldn't believe what just happened. Is she really okay? Something must've been wrong somewhere in her stupid head.

He shook his head muttering some duas for her and went up to Layla's room. She noticed the look on his face. "What is wrong, baby?"

He massaged his temple and sat next to her and told her what happened. She just shook her head and told him that everything will be okay. He kissed her forehead. "You are the best Layla. I love you"

She smile. "I love you more Muhammad, May Allah strengthen our love for each other"

"Ameen Ameen." He said smiling. They retired for the night after reciting dua. They fell asleep in each others arms.

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Love, Chiickadee

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