chapter 10

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Gelin (bride)
Kız (girl)
Abla (sister)
Ağabey (elder brother)
Bacım (sister)
Canım (my dear)
Nolur/ lütfen (please)
Kuzum (my little lamb or my dear)
Aşkım (my love)
Damat (groom)
Sağol (thanks)
Teşekkürler (thank you)
Güzel (beautiful)


"Layla, Uyan (Wake up)! It's 4am already" She heard a familiar voice probably mammy's.

"Mammy, I'm up." She said in a sleepy voice.

"Do you want to miss your flight?" She asked.

Oh crab! She totally forgot that She's leaving today! Ya Allah.

She quickly stoop up and went to the bathroom and took a quick but comfortable bath. She came out and dressed up in a black yoga pants, plain grey sweatshirt and a black Abaya with a matching veil.

She finished dressing up, went downstairs and called the maids Murja and Susan to take her luggages downstairs to the car.

She went to mammys room but she was not around, probably downstairs with daddy.

"Salamu alaikum." She said the salam as She enters daddy's living room.

"Wa alaikum salam hafsatu." They chorused.

"Daddy, mammy I'm ready." She said.

"Okay, we are waiting for Muhammad to come, he is escorting you." He said.

"But daddy can't he meet us there?" She asked because She really doesn't want to get there after 6.

Besides, why does Muhammad need to escort her to the airport? Seriously though..

"No, he is almost here." Daddy replied.

She just nodded and checked the time, its just 5:05am. But with BA you have to be early to the airport because its far.

She went to the kitchen to grab something to eat, She ate chips with garlic sauce and peppered meat. She was done eating and was in the kitchen when She heard a knock on the door and told Susan to open the door, it might be Muhammad, Its definitely him.

She went to the living room where mammy, daddy and Muhammad are.

"Ina kwana" She greeted him.

"Lafiya, are you ready?" He asked

If it wasn't because of daddy and mammy, Layla wouldn't have greeted him.

"Yeah, let me go get something. She said going upstairs to get her shoes, phones and handbag.

She came downstairs to the door then stopped when She heard Norah.

"So you were going to leave without saying goodbye eh? Bad sissy." She said, with her hands akimbo.

"Oh Norah Na manta da ke fah." Layla said making Norah roll her eyes.

"Ya Muhammad, ina kwana." Norah greeted him.

"Lafiya Norah, ya kike?" He smiled.

"I'm fine, Alhamdulillah." She replied.

Layla left them in the corridor talking while She entered the living room where daddy and Mammy are.

"We are ready daddy, we are leaving now." She said.

"Seni özleyeceğim (I'm gonna miss you)." She said hugging her mammy.

"Don't worry Meena and Muhammad are there, you won't be lonely." Mammy said pecking her cheek. Ya Meena is currently in London, her husband was sent there to work for four months.

"Besides, Ni'imah and Ibty will also be there soon inshallah." Mammy added.

They went outside to where he parked his car, he was still talking with Norah.

She entered Daddy's car and was about to buckle her seat belt when daddy told her to go to Muhammad's car.

He was the one taking her to the airport along with Norah. Her parents aren't going with them.

After what felt like forever to Layla, they reached the airport. Muhammad helped with her luggages and gave it to the trolley guys or whatever they call them.

She hugged Norah, then went over to where Muhammad was standing and said bye.

"I'll be there next week inshallah." He said "Don't miss me too much." He whispered the last part.

"Ha ha, you wish." She said and went in to the departure and checked in her two luggages and collected her boarding pass.

She went to the departure gate to wait for her flight. She brought out her laptop while waiting and listened to the quran.

Finally, they called them to start boarding. She looked for her seat which is in the business class. She settled and recited some duas.

"Good morning Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the fasten seat belt sign. If you haven't already done so, please stow your carry-on luggage underneath the seat in front of you or in an overhead bin. Please take your seat and fasten your seat belt. And also make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position." blah blah blah.

Layla doesn't like traveling alone, in fact, she hates flying, she is afraid of heights.

it's a 6 hours flight layla, sakin ol (calm down).

After the captain has finished the announcement they took off and she took off to, to her la la land....

Hey guys hope you've enjoyed?💞
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