Chapter 17

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Months later

Layla's now back to Nigeria and hey guess what? It's a few months to her wedding with Muhammad. They got pretty along when She was in the Uk. He told her that they should at least become friends and to be honest being friends with him is just ugrh!

You get what She means. She has graduated with a first class honors from the University two months ago. They decided to postpone the wedding with three more months. Which she is very grateful for.

She was deep in her thoughts when someone banged the door to her room.

"Ya Layla, Baban seni çağırıyor (daddy is calling you)" Said Norah.

"Geliyorum (I'm coming)"

Layla was wearing a sweat pants and a sweatshirt so She just packed her hair on a high bun, picked her phone and left the room.

She met daddy, Nabeel and Norah in the living room. She silently walked in and sat on the one sitter next to Nabeel. Nabeel also finished his masters few months ago.

Daddy was on a phone call, Nabeel was on his phone, they snapped some funny pictures and videos. Layla was laughing at something ya Meena posted when daddy cleared his throat.

"Layla, why are you alone in your room when everyone is sitting here having a good time with the family?" He asked typing something on his phone.

"Daddy, I was having a massive headache"

"Subahanallah, how's it now?" He asked

"Better Alhamdulillah, I took something for it" She replied with a smile and he smiled back.

So that's why he was calling her? Typical Daddy.

Norah talked about her school and what's going to happen on her graduation day bla bla bla. Layla was chatting with Ni'imah when She received a message from Muhammad.

Mr Moh - Hey! Are you free today?

Layla- Hey there, yeah I am. what's up?

Mr Moh- Okay, Coming to see you.

Layla- But I wanted to go to Ibty's

Mr Moh- Okay I'll take you, what time are you going?

Layla- Really? Around 3:30 inshallah.

Mr Moh- Okay. I'll be there inshallah. Bye❤️

Layla- Bye💕

So, She doesn't know when these heart thing started but She's totally cool with it. He's been acting all lovey Dovey.

"Ya Layla!!" Norah said.

"Norah what?" Layla asked, annoyed.

"Please tell Nabeel Ağabey to take us out for ice cream." She said with a pout.

"Please Ağabey take her out for ice cream" Layla said looking at Nabeel.

"Norah, I told you I have somewhere to go." He said.

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