Chapter 43

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Few Months later🌱

"Ibty please when you're coming, come along with coco Ribbon doughnuts for me. I've been craving them for days now" Layla said to Ibty who just told her she was coming to her house tomorrow inshallah.

"This baby is making you become a glutton fah. Kinga kibar da kika yi."

Yes! Layla is pregnant. She's five months along.

She sighed "I know right, I eat almost ten times a day. The good thing is there's no morning sickness like when I was pregnant with Sabrina"

They talked for a little while before She ended the call due to Sabrina's loud shrieks. Ibty gave birth to a beautiful baby girl two months ago. Her name is Asma'u Asmar, Ahmad's mothers name.

Ya salam. Now what did they do to her?

"Amina? Amina? Bring her here" She called her new nanny. She came into mammy's living room with Sabrina cradled on her waist. "Na'am Anty"

"Mey akayi mata?" Layla asked and reached for a sobbing Sabrina.

"She fell down in the kitchen"

"How did she fall, did she hit somewhere?" She asked rocking her in her arms.

"Shhh, Tamam baby. Where does it hurt? Bu?" Layla asked touching her head and she shook her head replacing her hand on her head, putting hers on her forehead. "Bu" she said hiccuping

Daddy came in. "What happened to my wifey?" He reached for her and she gladly went

"Daddy, you know this your wifey is so naughty. She was playing in the kitchen when she fell and hit her big forehead" Layla said.

"Ayyah, Sannu mata ta" He said rubbing her forehead. She laid her head on his chest and out her pacifier in her mouth. Smh.

Daddy left with her to his leaving room. Just then mammy and ya Muhammad came in. "Honey'in annesi (honey's mother), what's up?" Ya Muhammad asked sitting next to Layla.

"Ya Muhammad, nothing much fah. How was work?"

"Work was fine Alhamdulillah, but hectic." He sighed

"Kolay gele"

"Sağol bacım, thank you sister"

She reached for her head tie. "Let me come and be going, Muhammad will soon be back home"

She called her maid and told her to get Sabrina's things ready. "Let me go and say goodnight to daddy and get Maryama" She said standing up.

She said the Salam and entered daddy's living room. He was watching tv while Sabrina is sitting on the carpet playing with her toys. She bid everyone goodbye and hit the road to her house in maitama.

On reaching the house, Sabrina and Amina got out of the car for her to park at the parking lot. Muhammad's car was as well there in the lot which means he came back before her. She parked and got out.

She entered the house with a salam. Muhammad  answered, he was in the living room with Sabrina on his laps.

She went over to the couch they are and pecked him on the lips. "Hi Babe."

"Hey babe, how was everyone there?" He asked me

"They're all fine Alhamdulillah, suna gaishe ka" She replied sitting down next to them.

He smiled "Ina amsawa. How are you feeling?"

"Better Alhamdulillah. I feel good"

''MashaAllah....i missed you babe, so much." He said pulling her to his body, she rested her head on his shoulder and let out a yawn.

This baby is making her sleep to much. As in way too much. Four months to go inshallah.

''Daddy, what would you like to eat for dinner?'' She asked Muhammad.

''Anything you cook is fine by me." He replied with his dashing smile.

''Okay, do you mind potato casserole?''

''No, not at all." He pecked her on the cheek. She stood up and went to the kitchen to start the dinner.

She asked the maid to peel potatoes and wash chicken for her before she changes into something comfortable.

She went upstairs to her room and to the closet. She picked a purple straight skirt and one of Muhammad's baggy shirts. She removed her bra because she feels uncomfortable wearing it while working.

She came back down and kept her hijab because it is almost maghreb and she won't go back upstairs, too lazy to do that. pregnancy yooo!

Muhammad was busy with his laptop while Sabrina is watching nick jr. She smile at the sight of them and walked to the kitchen. Amina was done peeling the potatoes and has washed the chicken. She started by boiling the potatoes.

They just finished eating dinner and are in the living room. Sabrina watching cartoon while both muhammad and her are on their phones. She was just going through her instagram feeds, people sending in their orders for cake and macaroons. She has five orders in all tomorrow inshallah. it's gonna be a long day..

She let out a yawn again and checked the time, it says 10;15. your girl really is sleepy.

She stood up ''I'm going to bed''

He looked up. "Okay, we'll be right behind you''

She lazily walked up the stairs to the room, she removed the skirt she was wearing and put on her pajama pants. She entered under the covers and immediately her head touched the pillow, she slept off

The sound of the door woke her up, it was muhammad.

"Sorry, i woke you up''

''It's okay." She said sleepily as he enter the cover too. He opened his arms for her and she went willingly and placed her head above his heart and his arms across him as she listened to the silent beating of his heart.

Muhammad's hands stroke the upper part of her hand and placed his other on hers which was across his mid-riff.

Her chest rose and fell with each tap of his fingers on her body. "Are you going to stop that?'' She asked annoyed.

''Yes." He said, but he kept tapping

"When?" She asks.

''When your heart stops beating'' She smiled and snuggled closer to him.

Love, Chiickadee

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