Chapter 30

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Hello my wonderful readers💓 how are you doing?

One month later

She woke up with throbbing headache today, She couldn't even go to work. Layla and Ibty were out all day yesterday because Ibty's wedding is next week.

Muhammad is in the office while She's currently in her living room upstairs all bathed and dressed in a black long gown. She was watching KUWTK with Norah when her phone rang.

"Hey wifey." Came his melodious voice.

"Hey hubby." Layla replied lazily, with a sigh.

"You sound tired Layla, what's wrong? Are you still having the headache?" He asked, worried.

"I'm fine Muhammad, yeah just a little headache that's all." She said, massaging her temple.

"Okay then, if you need anything don't hesitate to call me, okay?"

She smiled even though he can't see her. "Sure babe."

"I love you. baby." He said and ended the call

She stood and went to her room and prayed asr. She finished praying and recited her daily adkhar then went to the living room.

"Nuratun daddy." She said slumping down on the couch next to Norah. Her sister hates it when she calls her that nickname.

"Ya Layla, how many times do you want me to tell you to stop calling me that?"

Layla laughed. "But you call me Hafsatu too"

She rolled her eyes and picked a phone call.

"Ya far....yeah.. evet evdeyiz, Tamam Görüşürüz." She said and ended the call.

"Nabeel is coming?" Layla asked her.

"Yep." Norah simply replied and She nodded. They continue to watch the reality show until Layla started feeling sleepy. She stood up and lazily walked to her room and jumped down on the bed. In no time sleep carried her away.

"Ya Layla wake up." Layla heard a voice echoing in her ear..

It's probably Norah, she thought.

"What?.." She asked, shifting a little.

"It's time for Maghreb already, wake up and pray please, plus ya Muhammad is back." She said walking to towards the door. "He and ya Nabeel left for the mosque some minutes ago." With that, she left the room and dragged the door behind her.

She lazily got up from the bed and headed towards the bathroom to perform Wudhu. She came out, put on a long hijab and prayed Maghreb. Then her nafils and adhkar.

She finished everything and stood up folding the hijab while looking at herself in the mirror. Her baby bump is really visible now. It's starting to grow, she is 3 months along. She picked a navy blue turban cap and her phones and headed downstairs to feed her husband. As she was going down, Muhammad was coming up.

"Hey." He pecked her on the cheek.

"Hi." She said with a lazy smile. "When did you get back?"

"An hour ago." He said with a pout which made her laugh a little. 

"Have you eaten?" She asked him and he shook his head no.

"Okay then, let's go and eat." She said, dragging his arm and walking back down the stairs. They walked to the living room side by side and sat on a two seater.

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