chapter 8

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Assalamu Alaikum. Hi guys, Here's another chapter do enjoy🎉


It is Saturday already and today Muhammad's family are coming for the date fixing. She's really nervous about it. Their house is filled up with her aunties from daddy and mammy's side .

"Layla, hazır ol şoför seni Esma abla'nin evine götürecek. (Get ready the driver is taking you to Esma's house)" Mammy's sister, Selvi Teyze said in Turkish.

Selvi teyze or Aunty Selvi is Mammy's younger sister, she's the youngest in their house and really cool. Selvi Teyze is not married yet, she came to Nigeria a couple of months ago. She is a Co-owner of a furniture store in here in Nigeria. She manages the manufacturing business in the company.

Then there's also Hatice Teyze, she is Mammy's older sister, she lives in Istanbul with her family of four, two boys and two girls named Ece, Belgin, Süleyman and Osman.

Then Esma Teyze, Mammy's immediate younger sister, she also lives in Abuja Nigeria and She has four kids, Omer and Azra who are Layla's mate then Fatma who is Norah's mate and their last born Selim who is just six.

Next is Nazlı Teyze she's only two years older than Selvi, she lives in Istanbul and is married with two daughters Melike and Bahar.

Mammy also has one brother named Murat. Murat Amca is the first born in the family. He lives in Izmir with his family of six, three of each gender. His kids are Kemal, Mustafa, Orhan, Halime, Aygül and Melek.

"Tamam Teyze (Okay Aunty)" Layla said, getting up from her bed.

She went straight to the bathroom and took her shower, came out and dressed up in a maroon Abaya and veil.

She wrapped her veil around her head, picked up her phones, handbag and left the room. She entered mammy's living room where She saw two of her Aunts, Esma and Nazlı whom She had to greet in Turkish. Only Hatice Teyze was missing amongst her Aunties and she's sure she'll be here for the wedding.

"iyi günler teyzeler (Good afternoon aunties)" She greeted them with a faint smile.

"Güzel gelinimiz (Our beautiful bride)." They replied, happily.

She just left the place to the dining area to eat. She called Ibty and told her that She was going to Hatice Teyze's house. Ibty said she was meeting her there so that she won't be bored.

In her moms tradition, every time the grooms family are coming to your house you should be absent because of respect. She went out to the parking lot where she saw their driver waiting next to the car


She clicked the bell again then someone came to open the door. "Layla Abla!" Fatma hugged her tightly.

"Fatma'm, nasılsın? (My Fatima, how are you?) She asks hugging her cousin back.

"I'm fine gelin(bride). Fatma replied with a teasing smile.

"Ömer nerede? (Where is Ömer)." Layla asked about her cousin, Ömer. Her cousin Azra is in school back in Turkey.

"O dışarı çıktı (He has gone out)" Fatma said.

They entered the living room and sat down waiting for ibty to come. Fatma kept disturbing Layla about how She's feeling about getting married. Of course, Layla kept ignoring her and eyeing her.

After a while, Ibty came and they had fun. They were talking when Norah called Layla and told her that the date has been fixed. A month after her university graduation Inshallah. Which is literally in a year.

But seriously a year?!?

It was time to go home. Ibty drove her then she left without even entering the house. She entered and head straight to her room not wanting to meet any of her aunts or other older relatives.

She quickly locked the door behind her and lay flat on her super comfy bed. After a few minutes, she got up and went to the bathroom and took a quick but relaxing shower then perform wudhu and came out. She dressed in her 'what's life without coffee' night gown.

She picked a long hijab from the wardrobe and prayed isha'i then recited few ayahs of the quran and recited her adhkar before switching off the lights... then her bedside lamp and she slept off.

Hey guys! I know this is a really short chapter I'm really sorry😘

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