Chapter 7

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Layla woke up to the sound of her alarm to pray fajr. She prayed and recited the holy Quran then went back to bed.

She woke up around 12:30 pm. She went downstairs to the living room where She saw Mammy, Daddy and Nabeel talking about something .

"Günaydın (good morning)" She greeted them.

"Morning, how are you?" Daddy asked. Daddy called her few days ago and they sorted things out. He consoled her and told her that everything will be fine inshallah.

"I'm fine daddy"

She went to the kitchen to get her food which was Fried yam with egg sauce and went back to the living room.

They sat in silence, with the only sound coming from the tv.

Finally daddy spoke

"Layla, Ibrahim and his relatives are coming on Saturday for the fixing of the wedding date." He said.

"Okay." Was all She could say.

She finished eating her breakfast and left quietly to her room. She did not plan on leaving the house today so She called Ibty .


"Hafsatu." She heard ibtys voice calling her name.

"Sup Rahinatu, I'm in the living room." She replied her.

She came into the living room upstairs. She's wearing jeans and top with a simple black kimono yet she still looks lovely.

They prayed zuhr and decided to watch a movie. after some arguments they decided to watch beauty and the beast for the tenth time.

After the movie has finished they both took their phones and got busy doing snapchat and Instagram.

"I'm bored." Layla said.

"Me too." Said Ibty.

They decided to bake cupcakes since Ibty is a good baker. They went to the kitchen and brought out the ingredients and started the work. Layla brought out her phone and played 'something tells me' by Bryson tiller.

After 40 minutes the cupcakes are done. They took some to Mammy and Daddy then Nabeel, they kept some for Norah because she's in school and if she knew they baked and didn't keep some for her, she will skin them alive.

They went back to Layla's room to pray Maghreb. Ibty left saying her father was coming back today, Norah is back from school and here they are in the living room downstairs.

"Layla." Daddy called.

"Yes daddy"

"When are you going back to school?" He asked.

"In two weeks inshallah, second week of September"

"Okay Mashallah, I hope you're done sorting out the accommodation and everything?"

She nodded "Yes, I am done"


"And when you finish your third year that's when the wedding is taking place, Inshallah." He said.

Layla couldn't believe she's in her final year.

"Okay daddy. Thank much I love you" She said hugging him.

She is actually so excited to go back to school, She is so tired of the summer break already.

She went to her room and called ibty and filled her up. Ibty also got transferred from Baze university to university of Nottingham Trent university which is approximately three hours away from Manchester by train. They talked for a while and said their goodbyes then to deep slumber.

Hey guys💃🏻 why I'm I so happy? Anyway.... how was the chapter? Hope I didn't disappoint you? Thank you for reading 💕


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