Chapter 20

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It's a beautiful Sunday morning, birds chirping outside my window. Though it's sunny here in katsina, she still loves it. Mammy earlier told Layla that they are going to her grandparents. She said an Ok and went back to her room.

Listening to music and going through Instagram is her thing. She likes doing that all the time. Like right now She's listening to 'Hold on by chord overstreet' and going through her feeds on Instagram. While talking with Muhammad on the other phone.

"But like seriously Layla, have you seen her." He said, annoyed. He's telling her about a girl he bumped into yesterday who turned out to be his ex ex ex girlfriend. He dumped her because she cheated on him.

"Bak (look) you have a wife already" She said laughing and referring to the girl.

"You, right?"

"No, the ex girl. She wants to reunite" She replied.

"Stop this." He groaned.

"Why are you whining like a baby." She asked with a chuckle.

"Because you're making me to." He said.

They talked for about an hour when She decided to get ready since it's asr. She perform wudhu and pray. She picked out her black abaya with white stones. She also got it from the 'vintage violet' by Hindu.

She got dressed and picked all her belongings and stuffed them all in her bag and headed downstairs. "Mammy, I'm ready!" She shouted from the corridor.

She headed to the living room where she saw daddy and Uncle Najib(his younger brother) watching news. She greeted them and went to mammys room.

"Mammy I'm ready let's go"

"Norah hazır mı? Is Norah ready?" She asked

"Bilmem ki, ben bir bakayım (I don't know, let me go check on her)." With that, She left the room.

She entered Norah's room with a Salam and said. "Norah! neden bizi bekletiyorsun (Norah why do you have to keep us waiting)?"

"Sorry, Abla oof, sabr Lütfen." She said rolling her eyes. Layla shook her head and left the room.

Few minutes later everyone was ready then they hit the road to my grandparents house in GRA, it's not far from their house though. They halted in front of the house and honked. Their gateman opened the gate for them, then they entered.

They first went to Goggo's part (daddy's mother) .

"Salamu Alaikum." They said as they entered the living room.

"Wa alaikum salam." Goggo replied.

They entered and sat on the carpet.

"Goggo, Ina wuni" Mammy greeted her.

She replied to Mammy then they greeted her too.

"Hajiya Goggo, Ina wuni" Norah and Layla greeted their grandmother.

They call her hajiya Goggo because Ya Meena used to call her that when she was younger. And that's how they all grew up calling her that. Mammy and Goggo are talking about something while both Norah and Layla are busy with their phones.

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