chapter 6

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Gelin (bride)
Kız (girl)
Abla (sister)
Ağabey (elder brother)
Bacım (sister)
Canım (my dear)
Nolur/ lütfen (please)
Kuzum (my little lamb or my dear)
Aşkım (my love)
Damat (groom)
Sağol (thanks)
Teyze( Aunt)
Teşekkürler (thank you)
Güzel (beautiful)


"Layla" She heard her name being called by definitely Mammy.

"Uyanmayacak mısın?) aren't you going to wake up?)" She asked in Turkish. Bring Turkish, mammy speaks it a lot to her kids, she wants them to know her language and culture. She told them to only speak to her in her tongue.

God! What do they want this early morning? Mammy and her wahala.

She pulled her long hijab and went to her mother.

"Günaydın mammy(good morning)" She said in Turkish.

"How are you?" Mammy replied in English.

"I'm fine but you my dear mammy interrupted my beauty sleep" She said annoyed, but as usual mammy ignored her.

Today is exactly 2 weeks after Muhammad's family came for the gaisuwa

"You are escorting me somewhere" she said

"Neresi?" (Where)

"To the tailors and my friends house, and wear something nice please." She said.

"Tamam(alright)" She said and left to her room.

She went to her room, removed the hijab, arranged her bed and entered the bathroom for shower. She took her time taking her shower with a Victoria's secret lemon shower gel. She came out and went to her closet to look for something to wear. She came across a beautiful blue Voile dress.

She dressed up and picked a matching veil and her brown Michael kors handbag and a brown Aldo slippers. She picked up her phone from the bed side and sprayed perfume then headed downstairs and went straight to the kitchen and fetch her food. She ate quietly until mammy came out dressed all nicely.

They went outside and entered mammy's range rover. They went to the tailors place at gwarinpa then to maitama. They arrived at a huge mansion with a lot of security guards by the gate.

"Mammy, where are we?" She asked.

"Maryama Yerima's house." Mammy replied without looking at her.

"Mammy, you mean Muhammad's house?" She asked with a surprise look on her face.

"Evet kızım, şimdi sessiz ol. (Yes daughter, now keep quiet)." She replied.

Layla grunted. "Oof Mammy, oof!"

They entered the house and parked in a spaced area. They knocked at the big wooden door. A girl around Layla's age came to the door and opened it. She immediately recognized the face, It was Ni'imah.

"Aunty ina wuni." She greeted Mammy.

"Lafiya lau Ni'imah, yakike?" Mammy asked with a sweet smile plastered on her face.

She replied mammy before turning to Layla and squealed. "Layla!" She hugged her very tight

"Ni'imah.." She replied hugging her back.

"Oh my gosh, you've changed." She said checking Layla out.

Typical Ni'imah, She hasn't changed a bit. She's the talkative type, she's so pretty mashallah and nice, She is the last born in their house.

They entered the living room which is well furnished and sat down. Five minutes later her mom Aunty Maryama came, Layla greeted her then Ni'imah dragged her to her room.

"I can't believe you're marrying ya Muhammad." Ni'imah said, excitedly.

"I can't believe that too" Layla said with a shy smile.

"Wallah I can't wait for the wedding and your babies." She said happily.

Innailaihi not her too. Layla thought.

She doesn't want the marriage talk less of babies. Don't get her wrong, she really loves babies, but She doesn't think of hers.

She keep video taping Layla and adding it to her snapchat with the caption 'sister in law'.

"Ni'imah, ina Muhammad?" She asked wondering where he was.

"Aww, Missing him?." She teased her, making her blush.

"God no, Just wondering where he is"

"Okay if you say so." She said and excused herself saying something about going downstairs.

Layla was chatting with Ibty telling her That she's at Muhammads house When she heard a salam.

She turned to see nobody but him! Muhammad. Ni'imah obviously went to call him.

She internally shook her head.

"Wa alaikumsalam" She replied not looking away from my phone

"I didn't know you were coming." He said.

"Yeah didn't know that too" She said looking up from her phone.

He was wearing black shirt and grey sweatpants, he looks handsome as always.

"Okay, so what's up?" He asked.

"Nothing much"

They stayed there in silence until Ni'imah came back. "Oh sorry, Am I interrupting something?" She asked.

"No nothing" Layla said, shaking her head.

"Yes, you are. Muhammad said at the same time as Layla.

What's he saying?

They talked for a while before Mammy called her. It was time to go home.


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