chapter 32

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It's been three months since Ibty's wedding and Layla is seven months pregnant, everything is smooth, Alhamdulillah. Well, except that Juwairah spends her weekend with them. If not for her husband, Muhammad, she would've been living with them. But he talked to baba about it.

She doesn't go to work now because She's heavy. She is going home tomorrow inshallah till She gives birth. It's kind of like a tradition or something. And it is mainly because Muhammad told Mammy that Layla doesn't eat at all, he's afraid something will go wrong when he is out to work!

She's currently sitting on the floor in her closet looking at her luggage. She really doesn't know what to pack, She gave her tailor some ankaras to sew maternity gowns for her and he hasn't brought any so She will just pick some summer dresses and anything she could find.

She has finished packing and now downstairs cooking food for Muhammad and his friends that are coming for dinner. At first She didn't know what to cook then She settled Etli pilav and lahmacun. She decided to make Turkish dishes for them.

She finished cooking with the help of her two maids ramatu and Benita, then She arranged the plates and the rest on the table and food on the side table. She went upstairs to freshen up before he gets back from work.

She took a shower and got dressed in a green sweatshirt and black leggings. She was bored so She decided to make her face up a little and snap pictures. As She was putting on the makeup She was face timing with Ya meena and baby Nasreen, they are back in New York.

''Layla, look how you are glowing, hamilelik sana yakışıyor (pregnancy suits you)." Said Ya Meena.

Layla grinned. "I know right! I'm really going to miss being preggy." She said trying to adjust her fake lashes.

''Elbette, You will surely do." Ya Meena agreed. "It's like the best feeling ever''

Layla nodded and smiled at her sister.

''So, have you guys thought of a name?'' Ya Meena asked.

''I don't know. For the nickname, Sabrina? Naina?'' I said not sure

''Well, they are both nice names." Ya Meena said.

Ya Meena excused herself and Layla got back to doing her makeup. She finished and snapped a lot of pictures and posted one on snapchat and sent a couple to Muhammad. Two minutes later a notification from him came through

Mr Moh- Damn, you look so hot babe. I could eat you right now.

She smiled and bit her lip thinking of an appropriate answer.

Layla- Eww babe, that's so gross. You're gonna make me throwup, don't forget that I'm carrying a little human inside of, anything can make me. And wait! Eat me? Am I food?

Mr Moh- Gross ayy? of course I know you are carrying our baby, I mean I made that happen

He's unbelievable, Seriously this guy will surely be the end of her, She can't take it anymore.

Layla- Oh my god! You're corrupting me.

Mr Moh- Lmaooo wai I'm corrupting you. Bye baby.

She smiled and shook her head. She thank god everyday for giving her such a wonderful husband. Her love for him grows stronger everyday.

She prayed Maghreb and went to the living room upstairs to watch tv. She couldn't find anything to watch even on Netflix so She just sat there with her laptop looking at baby stuff when her little princess kicked twice. Then another.

''Whoa, easy there little tigress." Layla winced.

Right in time She heard a car honk, probably Muhammad. She lazily got up from the couch and went downstairs to him. As She took the last step, the door unlocked and there came her dashing husband. He came towards her and engulfed her in a warm hug.

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