Author's Note / Prologue

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Eyo, wassup
In case you're new, this is my first fic ever that I wrote 4 years ago, and iiits not the greatest. There's a lot of plot holes oop–
This story will contain inappropriate shtuff (iNcLUdInG smut) so if you're uncomfortable with dat stuff then there will be a disclaimer ;) love you guys.

Also i'm serious... pls don't make fun of my writingggg i was 15~

edit: i've since rewritten the smut after turning 18 so i don't feel so ... uhh child porny? or maybe it's worse now because i am of age... honestly we're just gonna move on


Baekhyun raced down the corridor, nervously checking his watch on his wrist as he did so.


The boy was three minutes late for his interview, which could quite possibly be the most important job interview of his life. He picked up his pace, earning a few not-so-friendly glares from the people around him. He finally reached the lobby of the workplace, and immediately went to the front desk, his heart pumping nervously.

"Hello, my name is Byun Baekhyun, and I have an interview scheduled for 8:00 am. Can you please direct me to the correct room?" Baekhyun asked, trying to be polite yet also send the message he was in a hurry. He was also putting a decent amount of effort to not pant hysterically.

The young woman at the front desk gave Baekhyun a look up and down, and soon after clicked on a few things on the computer in front of her.

The male ran a hand through his hair nervously, unconsciously tapping his fingers on the desk.

After what seemed like hours, the woman finally spoke. "Mr. Park is ready now," she said. "You can head on in."

Baekhyun froze. "Mr. Park?" Baekhyun's heart sped up, both in nervousness and shame because he was late. "He's—he's here?"

It's not like it's the man himself, the guitar playing, woman slaying, musical legend. Baekhyun without a doubt had expected some associate worker to perform the interview.

"Of course he's here, he wants to be the one to pick his own personal assistant," the woman chuckled, as if it was a silly statement to make. He now realized why there was a tedious amount of steps he had to go through while submitting his application.

Baekhyun gulped. "Um, thank you for your help." He tried his best to stop his voice from shaking, but was not so successful.

"Anytime, cutie," she winked. "Third floor, all the way down the hall in the double doors."

Baekhyun smiled weakly at the woman, and partially bowed. He quickly walked to the elevator and stepped in. He rode up the floors silently, tapping his foot anxiously. He checked his watch once again.



He's late to an interview that Park Chanyeol is holding. Park freaking Chanyeol!

The elevator door opened as he raced out, without watching where he was going. Being the clumsy boy he is, he slammed right into someone, resulting in him landing on the floor. Groaning, Baekhyun sat up, ready to apologize, but gets stopped in his tracks at the sight of an outstretched hand followed by an incredibly deep voice.

"Hi, I'm Park Chanyeol."

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