Chapter 27

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Huge thank you to @lomotak for the arab translated version!! Check it out over on their page! :)

Also I wanted to sincerely thank every single one of you for putting up with my shit. I have a lot of shit. SO MUCH!!
you guys are the absolute greatest human beans, and literally I cant thank you enough. I know how aggravating it is to wait for the damn author to update and now i've turned into that... whoops. Ya girl is working now and I wrote this chapter during my lunch breaks of this week and last week, so enjoy :)

To say that Baekhyun was terrified would be the understatement of the century. He was currently locked in his hotel room, sitting against the backboard of the bed while holding his knees to keep himself from actually exploding. His mind was firing bullets and he couldn't bring himself to make a decision.

He had a tendency to get overly anxious, and so this time he thought he'd take a different approach. He scrambled around to find a pen and a piece of paper, with the intention of writing down the pros and cons to each choice. He jumbled down whatever came into his head, and the results were in fact quite interesting. Due to what laid on the paper, it should be obvious which he'd choose.

Baekhyun was startled out of his daze when there was a knock at the door. He slipped the paper onto the nightstand along with the pencil.

He slowly unlatched the locks on the door and was the met with the sight of Chanyeol.

"Chanyeol I just wanted to tell you—"

"You don't have to, Baekhyun. I already know what you're going to do, so I'll make it easier on you. You're fired."

Baekhyun's gut dropped at the sound of his words.

"What?" He rasped, his voice weak. He hadn't even told him his decision.

Is this even real?

"Isn't that what you wanted? Obviously this job doesn't matter to you if you received an offer like that."

At this point, Chanyeol's words just fell on deaf ears. He felt his eyes start to water before he sprinted away— since that tends to be a default reaction of his. To where, not even he knows. He could hardly see through the hot tears, but before he knew it he was already out the door of the hotel.


Baekhyun had never felt so—disconnected. His stomach felt hot and strange, and he simply couldn't stand it.

There was supposed to be the last concert before the hiatus that he would've been preparing for right now.

He should be with Chanyeol. He should be finalizing his set and feeling the exhilarating rush of nerves flow through his body.

But he isn't. Instead, his subconscious self brought him into the first bar he could find.

He only wanted this horrible feeling to go away, and the first thing he thought of that might be successful was to drown his sorrows in alcohol.

Baekhyun hates alcohol, but that's exactly why he was headed there


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