Chapter 19

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The two boys walked out of the movie theatre hand in hand - the same way in which they had walked in. It was really quite incredible, especially because with each step he took, Baekhyun was sure he was walking on one long giant cloud. 

He never realized how a 'romantic relationship' (or whatever you want to call this relationship the two of them had, Baekhyun wasn't in a rush to find a title) affected a person. He was always in a better mood, and overall the whole world just seemed to be a little bit lighter. 

Of course he had the opportunity to be with other people before. I mean, have you seen the guy? But Baekhyun usually kept to himself, and the times in which he got approached by boys or girls alike, he simply wasn't interested. 

By the time they reached the car, Chanyeol's phone had started to ring. 

He pulled it out of his pocket with his free hand, while unlocking the car so the two of them could step inside. Baekhyun made his way into the passenger seat and closed the door so Chanyeol could have some privacy for his phone call. He was never one for being nosy. 


"Park. Where are you right now?" 

It was his executive, who was known to be on the meaner side. He was basically in charge of everything so he could kind of do whatever he wanted. 

"Uh- Out."

"Out? What has gotten into you? You've been slacking off more than ever! First you disappear for days on end and skipping out on your concerts that your fans paid for, which by the way, do you realize how much money we lost from that?"

Chanyeol sighed, really not in the mood to get put in his place. 

"Also because of your little stunt, your opener quit. So I guess you're gonna have to find someone to open for you, otherwise we'd all be in deep trouble. Do you think you can handle that? I'm giving you one last chance to redeem yourself, otherwise we might have some issues in the future."

Before Chanyeol could even say anything in response, the line went dead- the mocking monotone sound playing through the speaker. He grunted angrily before stepping into the car. 

Baekhyun could tell right away that he was on edge, and really he wasn't sure what to do about it. 

Chanyeol shoved the key in the ignition stiffly before pulling out of the theatre parking lot. 

"Is everything okay?" Baekhyun asked quietly. 

"Not really, Baek. My executive just let me have it for skipping out on those concerts, and now I have to find a new person to..."

Chanyeol trailed off, and his eyes found Baekhyun's. 

"What?" He asked innocently. 

"It's perfect! How could I not think of it before?" 

"What?" Baekhyun asked, with a little more punch because he just wanted Chanyeol to tell him what the hell he was talking about. 

"You! You could open for me!" 

Baekhyun nearly fell out of his seat, despite the fact he was seat belted into it. 

"Y-You're crazy," Baekhyun breathed. His brain was running laps in his head and soon enough it ached. "I could never perform in front of that many people, I've hardly performed in front of thirty people. And even then I almost lost it-"


He stared back at Chanyeol, trying not to think about how it was the second time he used that adorable abbreviation of his name, and how much he liked it.

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