Chapter 20

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As soon as Baekhyun walked through the doors to the restaurant, he felt like a homeless man among millionaires. Which quite possibly could be true— in fact Baekhyun currently didn't have a home, especially because he was on tour with Chanyeol.

And the people here were definitely more wealthy than the average person.

People who Baekhyun had never even seen before were approaching them, giving greetings. He felt undeniably awkward as he shook nearly 10 new people's hands. There had to be at least 20 people in total, and the restaurant had to bring them to a super special room. Most likely to serve both purposes of fitting all them, as well as to separate Chanyeol from the actual public. Though everyone here looked classy and pretentious and stuck up in the worst possible way, and it seemed like they would yell at you for sneezing too loud or something. He couldn't imagine this crowd of people turning into the fans he was used to. But nonetheless, they were lead to the special room all for Chanyeol.

Once they got seated, Baekhyun sat next to Chanyeol (of course). He hadn't hardly muttered any words, except for the polite "Hello", and such. Not only did he have no idea what to say, but he really didn't feel comfortable with everyone's attention on him. He was content with just sitting quietly and listening.

About 45 minutes had passed and all of the sudden Baekhyun felt something brushing against his thigh. The sudden touch startled him a bit, but he quickly realized it was Chanyeol. His hand moved slightly back and forth gently. At first it was an innocent sign of affection, but quickly escalated to something much more than that.

His hand was awfully close to a particular thing that happened to be growing in size by the passing seconds. Baekhyun shifted uncomfortably, trying to swat Chanyeol's hand away but unfortunately was unsuccessful. Baekhyun took a breath in order to control himself. He literally wanted to knock the head off of Chanyeol for doing this right now. He grabbed for his water glass in an effort to distract himself, but unfortunately Chanyeol grabbed a certain member which resulted in Baekhyun gasping— while he was in the midst of swallowing his water.

He started coughing hysterically while setting down his glass, his face turning red from a number of different reasons.

"You know you're supposed to drink the water, not inhale it right?" Chanyeol said snidely.

Baekhyun gave him the dirtiest look he could possibly muster. Suddenly a few people were asking if the poor choking assistant was in fact okay, and he replied with a slight nod. He was so gonna kill Chanyeol later for this.

"Oh that reminds me, Baekhyun right?" One important looking person asked.

"That's me," He replied weakly, still coughing every few seconds. Of course the one time people talked to him all night was because he had a cough attack.

"You're the new opener, so I've heard. I know it's last minute, but we're going to need you prepared for tomorrow. Tonight we're taking the bus down to Daegu, and that night will be your first concert."

Baekhyun was suddenly so overwhelmed from this news he felt as if he was going to vomit.

"W—wh ttomorrow?" He managed. Suddenly the feeling in the pit of his stomach rose to his throat, and suddenly he felt he was indeed going to vomit.

"If you'll excuse me," He said hurriedly, before racing up and sprinting toward the nearest bathroom.

Luckily he found it quickly, because he couldn't hold it back anymore when he burst open the door and emptied the contents of his stomach into the nearest stall. He didn't even bother to close the stall behind him, but of course it wasn't like he had a choice. He silently prayed nobody else was in here to here his lovely vomiting noises.

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