Chapter 14

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Baekhyun was currently locked in the (shared) hotel bathroom going absolutely bonkers.

Something about the fact that he was going out with his boss —doing something social—without being his assistant, absolutely blew his mind.

Was he going to call me by Baekhyun? Oh, I've never even heard him call me by my name before... Except for the interview which doesn't really count...

"Are you ready?"

A pound on the door accompanied with a deep voice made him literally jump as he snapped out of his thoughts.

"Almost, sir."

Baekhyun scrambled as he found the eyeliner he had bought a few days before (he liked the way it looked so much that he decided to get one of his own). Unfortunately in the process of putting back the eyeliner after he finished, his elbow bumped the tray that held the soaps and lotions that were provided by the hotel. It came crashing down, as the glass tray shattered in hundreds of pieces onto the bathroom tile.

"Shit," Baekhyun muttered. He cursed at his damned clumsiness that he could never grow out of. He quickly bent over to pick up the larger pieces of glass in an effort to clean up quicker.

"Mr. Byun, are you alright? What happened?"

"Uh—Everything is fine! I just ... Uh spilled some stuff is all."

After cleaning up the larger shards of glass he scrambled to look around for a broom of some sort, but not even a fancyass hotel such as this one would have a broom.

Deciding to do the next best thing— which was making a shitty makeshift broom by using an old toothbrush— he swept the remaining pieces of glass and discarded of them properly. He smiled to himself, since for once he managed to clean up a mess he made without getting hurt.

Or did he...

He finally emerged from the bathroom, feeling triumphant, when his boss's eyes widened as he looked toward his assistant's hands.

"You're bleeding!" He said with true concern, as he approached Baekhyun and took his hand gently.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

Of course it was too good to be true.

Now that he noticed it, the cut hurt like a son of a bitch. He thought about how strange it was that it didn't hurt until after he noticed it. Yet another reason ignorance is bliss.

He took a sharp inhale of breath because of the pain. In fact, the cut was gnarly. There was blood running down his finger, and even dripping onto the floor. It was much deeper than he thought.

"Follow me," His boss said with a sense of determination and leadership. He grabbed Baekhyun's good hand and led him to his suitcase, in which he pulled out a first aid kit. Baekhyun was thoroughly surprised at his boss' preparedness, but was not going to complain considering this was going to help him greatly. He took note of how gentle and sweet his boss was whenever he needed to be taken care of.
The first day of work when he had a bruise on his head from hitting it on the drawer, when he was very sick, and of course now. It seemed as though Chanyeol was the type of person who just needed to take care of someone. And Baekhyun was just the person who needed to be taken care of—quite contrary to their job titles. 

Chanyeol was extraordinarily gentle with his little assistant, and just that act alone was enough to make Baekhyun light headed.

Maybe it was from the blood loss, or maybe it was from Park Chanyeol himself.

Or maybe both.

"This is going to sting," Chanyeol said gently, as he prepared a gauze with alcohol to clean the wound. Baekhyun was too busy admiring Chanyeol's adorable yet sexy face, simply drinking in his presence of being so close. He admired how his eyebrows were crinkled ever so slightly in concentration, his mouth was lightly pressed together, and his breathing was steady with determination. Baekhyun had never seen this side of Chanyeol, but boy was he thankful he had.

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