Chapter 21

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Baekhyun was always known to be clumsy his entire life. It was just sort of his thing. Although if you add together clumsiness and stress with a pinch of complete chaos you get a horrifying mess.


Baekhyun stubbed his toe on the bed frame for what seemed like the 40th time in the past 10 minutes. He had clothes tossed about everywhere, and with each ticking second his stress levels increased exponentially.

After the dinner the crew had announced they were leaving as soon as possible which of course, left Baekhyun with uncertainty, and his anxious mind wandered to the thought of them all waiting on him. His mind kept stacking more bricks of stress on his back, and his breathing started to speed up. He squeezed his eyes shut trying to get a hold of himself.

Suddenly he felt himself slipping, and he knew what was about to happen.

His mind once again wandered to the concert— and it was the last straw. Baekhyun simply couldn't hold the weight, and he began to not be able to control his breath. He gasped for air, but each time not enough air filled into his lungs. His eyes started watering and each breath simply was harder than the last.

He was having a full on anxiety attack.

He had only had an anxiety attack one other time in his whole life, and when it happened he had his wonderful mother to lull him out of it. But this time he was painfully alone.

He was sitting on the floor, his head held in his hands while he desperately tried to get a hold of himself. Though it was extraordinarily difficult because his mind was reeling and he couldn't breathe.

Just before he was absolutely certain he was going to die right then and there, Chanyeol came through the door.

"Hey Baek you ready—"

At the sight, Chanyeol raced over to Baekhyun's side and engulfed his arms around him.

He could hear the smaller hyperventilating below him, and his heart nearly broke out of worry. All he could do was hold him and stroke his back gently, while cooing quiet "shh's" until he calmed down.

Baekhyun didn't know how or why, but with the feeling of Chanyeol around him breathing suddenly became a little less difficult. He felt an unbelievable source of comfort.

After several minutes, Baekhyun's breathing had nearly returned to normal, though his mind still trying to recover. Although he didn't need it, Chanyeol remained there, still stroking his back and comforting him.

He was unbelievably thankful for him, and there had only been a few times in the past where he had been lucky enough to see this side of Chanyeol. He was glad that now he would be able to experience this more often.

"Are you okay now?" Chanyeol's gentle voice cut through the silent atmosphere.

Baekhyun nodded into his chest, still not sure if he wanted to speak.

Chanyeol then brought his arms around the latter more firmly, picked him up and placed him on the bed.

Baekhyun watched as his boyfriend (it still felt strange for him to say that— since they've only been official for about an hour) cleaned up the mess within his hotel room, his gentle hands folding clothes that had been tossed astray, and placing them into the suitcase.

Baekhyun had started to get up but Chanyeol protested with, "No you stay there. I'll take care of this."

Baekhyun watched in awe as Chanyeol continued to pick up the rest of the mess in the hotel room, wondering how in the world he got so lucky. 

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