Chapter 26

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disclaimer: I'm pretty sure I took some imaginary crack or something before writing this because I have absolutely no idea what I've written (like actually tf this chapter is all over the place)Also i'm not editing it soooo yay for lazy! stay tuned for the end of the chapter where I have a preview for a future book!

By the time Baekhyun stands face to face with the giant, he instantly regret every decision he made prior. His stern yet handsome face bore holes into the smaller's, as he waited for him to speak.

"Well," Baekhyun squeaked, in which he cleared his throat. "Well," he repeated—lower this time— "I was approached by a uh... a talent agency."

He took a quick pause to assess the situation thus far. The man seemed to have no change in facial expressions, so he continued.

"They offered for me to, well, join their agency."

Still no change in expression.

"A-and they're downstairs right now, waiting for me to return back to them so they can take me on a tour of their facility..."

Baekhyun expected the worst. He expected yelling, screaming, etc. However, the absolute last thing he expected was to receive no reaction at all.

Baekhyun studied Chanyeol's face— deep brown eyes melting into chocolate brown in the sunlight filtering from the hotel window. He continued to await a response, but it never came.

Finally he replied with, "Well what are you waiting for?"

Brief pause.

"Well then, go down there and greet 'em if they're your visitor."

With that, Chanyeol promptly turned around and disappeared through the hotel door. To where, only he knows. For a few seconds Baekhyun continued to stand there, absolutely flabbergasted.

Suddenly he returned to the task at hand, and worked into his usual routine of getting ready in a hurry.

Luckily all of his experience pays off when he's completely ready in a flat four and a half minutes, fumbling with his tie as he headed out the door. As the elevator glides down, Baekhyun flicks down the collar of his jacket, perfectly timing for when the elevator doors ding open.

Sehun made direct eye contact, again, and nearly dropped his jaw at the sight. The boy was breathtaking... He had been gone for a mere five minutes, and he returned looking like that? His eyes lingered just a little too long, and Baekhyun shuffled under his gaze.

"Ah, Mr. Byun," Sehun said once he returned to his senses. "That was pleasantly quick. Well, come on then, the limo is waiting!"

Baekhyun followed the tall man outside, past the screaming fans and into an extremely nice limo. It was much different than Chanyeol's limo—It had a mini-bar within it, as well as several staff members stationed, and the entire vehicle was lifted much higher off the ground.

Upon sitting down, the leather seats made Baekhyun feel uncomfortable in a way he couldn't describe. The purple lighting didn't help either—in fact it made him a bit nauseous.

Sehun offered him a drink, but Baekhyun profusely refused—(the previous events of accidentally getting drunk on his first day certainly haunted him), no matter if he felt it seemed rude or not. Throughout the car ride, Baekhyun swore he felt Sehun's eyes on him...Yet every time he managed to peek a look at him, he was looking out the window or near Baekhyun. It was strange, because he felt it when his hair stood on end.

Trying to brush off the weird vibes, Baekhyun started to gaze out the window. The passing scenery was green and bright, and did in fact help the poor boy become distracted. He tried to nonchalantly glance at his watch to get a gauge for what time it was, and was extremely discouraged when it only read:


Not only had it been six minutes since they'd entered the limo, but that also meant that Baekhyun had more than three whole hours left of the tour. Mentally groaning, he rested his head on his hands as he continued to look out the window.

Immediately his mind went to Chanyeol, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't hurt. Just a little bit.

By no means would he want Chanyeol to get mad, but at least some reaction would be nice. He did seem to be angry, but said nothing about it. The fact that he didn't seem to care made Baekhyun quite unsettled. It was extremely unlike Chanyeol to not speak his mind about it—he literally feels the need to say something about everything— but this just worried Baekhyun even more. So far, the tour wasn't off to such a great start with nauseating lighting and a negative mood surrounding the boy.

By the time the horrendously long limo ride was over (it was definitely only 30 minutes), Baekhyun was practically itching to extend his legs. He felt like he was trapped in that pinkish purple-ish limo light for far too long, and was so close to vomiting because of it.

However all feelings of nausea completely disappeared at the sight of the building.




It had to have been at least twenty stories high, the entire building painted a flawless white, with long windows lining each floor. Just the outside alone was enough to make Baekhyun faint.

"Right this way Mr. Byun," he heard a voice say. The said boy turned around and was met with a fancy looking man with a stick up his ass and gelled hair, and Baekhyun was a bit startled. He had a big weird smile on his face and it kind of made Baekhyun shiver.

Luckily, the assistant didn't have to wait long, because shortly after Sehun was at his side.

"Ah yes. Here we go. Welcome to [enter shitty ass name for a company here! feel free to comment if you've got one because my brain is absolute diarrhea and I don't want to think of one, so in the meantime it shall remain as this]!" 

Sehun flashed a big smile before lightly guiding Baekhyun by the small of his back into the entrance.

The building smelled like the epitome of business, and Baekhyun didn't know how to feel about it. Everything was so fancy and uptight, and it was so different than the playful yet serious aura that surrounds Chanyeol. Even though it was different, Baekhyun wasn't going to let it ruin it for him. He tried to keep an open mind as the tour began.

Baekhyun followed behind Sehun, as well as a few other personnel in fancy-wear. They certainly had a lot of people who worked for them; it seemed like they had assistants at every corner of the damn place. There were always things being done, people talking, business occurring, etc. It all looked so organized and professional, it left Baekhyun in awe.

"First five floors are all maintenance hullabaloo (horololo) . Let's head up to the sixth floor and I can show you to where the recording studios are."

~~~ *sponge bob narrator voice*

three hours later

By the time the tour finally ended, Baekhyun was utterly blown away. The facility was incredible. There were so many rooms full of equipment, studios, or anything that anyone could possibly need for music production. It was perfect.

He didn't know what he was going to do. The ride back to the hotel, Baekhyun was so on edge he sweat through his whole suit. He couldn't for the life of him decide if he wanted to accept the offer. It was a big deal, ya know, this could decipher what the rest of his life would look like, just from this one decision. (That thought alone was almost enough to make Baekhyun faint).

Upon getting out of the limo once they arrived, he gave Sehun a professional (yet awkward) handshake, before promising a final decision by tomorrow night. He tried to make the friendliest smile he could before waving as the limo disappeared from view. A couple of the fans unfortunately caught sight of a sweaty Baekhyun, nearly trampled him, but failed when the mini-star managed to escape through the stair entrance.

Reaching the sixth floor was quite bittersweet: sweet because he was finally done climbing all of those damn stairs, yet bitter because now he had to face the one thing he'd been dreading all day.

The actual 'making the decision' part.

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