Chapter 1

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edit: please read the prologue otherwise this won't make any sense :)

Baekhyun stared in shock at the masculine hand that sat inches from his face. Hesitantly, he grabbed it. He felt his cheeks heat up from the embarrassing scene that just occurred. Once he finally regained his normal self, he couldn't help but stare at the beautiful human before him.

The taller glanced at his watch. "Are you usually twelve minutes late to interviews?"

Baekhyun's cheeks heated up even more, and he was feeling extremely flustered. "I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Park, I had no idea you would be here. My apologies."

Chanyeol smirked lightly. "That's quite alright. Now come on down to the office so we can conduct a proper interview. You're lucky you showed up when you did, I was about to leave." The taller was already not impressed by the likes of the short boy, but was still willing to give him one more chance. It also helped a great deal that the short boy possessed dangerously good looks.

Baekhyun gulped, but followed the world famous star down the corridor. He could hardly believe he was in the presence of the Park Chanyeol.

When they reached the office, Baekhyun took a seat across from the incredibly fancy looking desk. He tried to pull himself together, and ignore the turning of his stomach. He had to find some sort of a way to make up for his tardiness

Baekhyun prayed that he would would be considered, for he desperately needed this job. He forced himself to show off his confidence.

Chanyeol pulled a file from a drawer of his desk, and scanned the information quickly. "Byun Baekhyun," He said. Chanyeol liked the way the shorter's name sounded when he said it. He looked up to Baekhyun intimidatingly, expecting to see the same timid brown eyes he was met with at the first impression. Interestingly enough, he did not see what he expected. Baekhyun stared back with a new found confidence that seemingly came out of nowhere. This impressed Chanyeol, and he instantly became intrigued. He finally had hope he could leave today with a final decision.

"Why do you want this job?"

"I believe it would help me learn professional skills necessary to pursue a career in music, as well as experience what life in the music business is like."

Jesus could I sound any more boring?

Chanyeol raised an eyebrow. "You're interested in a musical career? Interesting." A smirk played at his lips, as he scribbled something down on a piece of paper, hoping to intimidate the shorter. However, he was unsuccessful. Baekhyun still had the same look about him, the look that Chanyeol found so interesting. It made him want to know more about the boy.

On the outside, Baekhyun appeared tough, but he was really about to shit himself on the inside.

Several questions later, Chanyeol had finally gotten enough information. Of course he had gotten enough information a few questions before, but he wanted to hear more about the fascinating male in front of him.

"Alright, I believe I have gathered all that I need. Thank you." He extended his hand to Baekhyun for a formal handshake. 

Chanyeol stood up from behind the desk and began to walk to the door. To Baekhyun it looked as if he intended to open the door politely for the interviewee. When he approached the door, he slammed his arm against the wall, trapping Baekhyun's small frame leaving their faces inches apart. Baekhyun gulped.

"I like you," Chanyeol said, his deep voice dripping with sexiness. "You're not like most other applicants I've seen so far. But I need to know you're really up for what you signed up for." Chanyeol leaned closer, until there was nearly a centimeter between their noses. "Are you?"

"Of - of course!" Baekhyun squeaked. He cleared his throat. "I'm prepared for anything."

Chanyeol brought his lips to the smaller's ear. "Good to know." The sound was a nearly silent whisper. Barely a second later, he backed away as if nothing had happened and returned to holding the door.

"You'll hear from us soon," He said with a wink. Baekhyun returned the gesture with a weak smile, for it was all he could manage through the tornado that was blowing through his brain at the moment. He felt as if he had taken several shanks to the stomach, and couldn't think straight.

After he left the room, Baekhyun turned back to give him a formal bow. Then he continued to walk back to the elevators, completely oblivious to the attractive male watching him walk away.

Chanyeol smiled at the sight, even when he lost his footing and stumbled around the corner.

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