Chapter 3

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Baekhyun stared out the window at the distant ground, thoughts wandering. He realized that he has no idea where this plane is headed, or how long he will be away from home. He sighed. Being 25, he's old enough to do what he pleases in his life. Although he tended to be the type of person who liked to be in control, and always know what's happening. He kept reminding himself that this was for his job.

"Assistant," He heard a voice, snapping him out of his train of thoughts. He was so absorbed in them, he didn't even realize that the pilot had announced they had landed, and they were to begin exiting the plane.

"Uh," He muttered, whipping his head to meet his boss. He was met with the reoccurring smirk.

"Time to go, Mr. Byun. Follow me."

"Of course, Mr. Park," Baekhyun followed the latter off the plane, and onto the several stairs. Baekhyun's eyes widened in amazement, upon seeing at least a few dozen people— all of whom dressed in black suits awaiting for Chanyeol's arrival.

Maybe he's more famous than I thought?

He suddenly felt extremely intimidated, but forced himself to stay optimistic. He walked slowly down the steps of the plane, careful not to fall. Knowing his clumsiness, it was more than likely. Upon making it down the stairs injury-free, Baekhyun internally congratulated himself.

"Right this way, Mr. Park," A man with black sunglasses stated, as he escorted Chanyeol into the back of a limo.

The shorter followed quickly, feeling a bit out of place and awkward. Once again he was reminded just how famous Mr. Park must be.

A few other men were in the back of the limo along with the two boys. The limo was certainly spacious, but not enough so that Chanyeol and Baekhyun's knees were touching ever so slightly. Baekhyun certainly noticed this fact, trying to ignore it. Why does everything Mr Park do drive him nuts?

One of the other men accompanying them handed Chanyeol an iced tea looking drink in a fancy glass. Chanyeol thanked him, and took a sip. Baekhyun took note of how the tall, intimidating, attractive, and famous man still respected the people around him.

He hadn't realized it, but the man was holding the same drink in front of Baekhyun, offering it to him. Feeling obligated to accept, he thanked the man just like Chanyeol had. Baekhyun took a sip, and nearly choked in surprise. He hadn't expected it to contain alcohol. He felt the bitter liquid slip down his throat. Coughing slightly, his face became red in both embarrassment and lack of oxygen.

"Are you okay there, assistant?" Chanyeol asked, with the infamous smirk.

Baekhyun only nodded, for it was all he could do at this exact moment. After his coughing fit was over, Baekhyun felt extremely embarrassed, his face hot.

He cleared his throat, before taking another sip of the drink. Baekhyun always hated the taste of alcohol, but he figured it would appear rude if he didn't finish his drink.

Silence ensued during the short ride in the limo to who knows where, and Baekhyun finished his entire drink in a mere 1 minute. He felt very accomplished, especially considering that not even Mr. Park had finished his own. However, he didn't fail to notice the strange smile on his boss' face.

Once the limo had stopped, Baekhyun felt a little strange. He saw Chanyeol leave the remainder of his drink (there was a decent amount left), and was escorted out of the limo. As soon as Baekhyun stepped out of the limo, it felt like he'd stepped through a portal to a different dimension. The world was spinning, and he tried with great strength to not completely fall over. Soon enough he'd found himself following the crowd of people. They entered into the back of a fancy looking building, air conditioning blasting Baekhyun in the face.

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