Chapter 12

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Baekhyun woke up feeling miraculously better. It seemed impossible, especially considering how awful he felt the day before. He turned over in his bed, only to find himself in an unfamiliar hotel room, completely alone. He pouted, wondering where in the world he was. However, when he glanced over at the empty spot beside him, suspicions overtook him.

The bed had a dip in it, as if someone else had been sleeping there. Baekhyun tilted his head in confusion, wondering if he was just hallucinating from his sickness. He placed his hand under the blanket. Much to his surprise, it was warm.

Someone definitely slept there.

He slowly sat up from his bed, his head pounding faintly.

"Hello?" He squeaked, slowly walking around the room. He roamed around, but to no avail. There didn't seem to be anyone else there.

He slowly crept out of the unfamiliar room, realizing he was across the way from his own. He sighed in relief— for he could finally change out of these uncomfortable clothes, brush his teeth, perhaps take a nice long shower—

"Mr. Byun."

Baekhyun jumped at the sudden voice, quickly taking his hand off the doorknob of his room.

"Hello sir," He said quietly, bowing a full 90 degrees.

"Are you feeling any better?"

Baekhyun tilted his head in confusion (and Chanyeol couldn't help but find it completely adorable).

Baekhyun quickly wondered how he had known he was feeling terrible—he knew he hadn't seen Chanyeol since...

Baekhyun's heart stopped once he realized whose hotel room he must've slept in.

"I—I am sir. What exactly happened last night?" His memory was full of blurry images that he couldn't make out. He really couldn't remember. His heart was pounding so wildly it was getting difficult to breathe.

"Well I was coming home early from my concert to check up on you, and as I was about to step foot into the elevator, you collapsed onto the floor. So, I took you to get some medicine and let you sleep in my bed," Chanyeol said casually, picking at his nails to send the idea of nonchalance.

Baekhyun nearly fainted. Chanyeol let him sleep in his bed? He took him to get medicine? He gulped.

"I appreciate that very much sir," He said while bowing once again.

Chanyeol conveniently left out the part about them sleeping in the same bed...

"Well luckily I have no concert tonight so you will be able to rest and finish recovering fully."

Baekhyun felt relieved for some odd reason. He didn't exactly like when his boss had concerts since he always ended up staying out all night doing ...

Not that Baekhyun cared, anyway.

"Well if you'll excuse me, I must get back to my room now. I will see you tomorrow, bright and early! Thank you again for taking care of me, it was extremely kind."

Chanyeol nodded.

Baekhyun then turned back around to open his hotel room door, only to quickly discover it was locked. Baekhyun crinkled his eyebrows, jiggling the doorknob harder, but to no success. Baekhyun was locked out of his own hotel room. He realized he must not have grabbed his card key before he left the room last night. Baekhyun groaned, only to turn around to be met with a handsome smirk.

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