Chapter 9

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Baekhyun covered his ears, trying to block out the insanely loud noises coming from the hotel room next door. Groaning in frustration, he glanced at the clock for the 9 billionth time.

3:23 am.

He shoved his pillow into his face and yelled into it. Not that he needed the pillow to mute the sound anyhow.

"Faster, Chanyeol faster!"

Baekhyun felt his insides boiling, anger getting more intense with each passing second. There was an extremely slim chance he would get any sleep tonight. How could such a fancy hotel have such thin walls?

After the concert (and it was amazing, not that Baekhyun cared), Chanyeol went directly to the bar like he normally would. Except, Baekhyun felt extraordinarily awkward and anxious, wanting to avoid a situation like the one that happened the night before at all costs. Instead of staying, he called a cab and went back to the hotel. He prepared for bed, taking a long bath, and enjoying a few minutes of the program that was playing on the television. By the time he was ready, it was only 12:00. When his head finally hit the pillow, he couldn't fall asleep for crap. He felt utterly exhausted, yet his mind wouldn't let him sleep. He kept thinking about a certain giant.

After a mere two hours of drowning in his thoughts, he heard the door next to his slam open, followed with voices. Soon enough, his ears were filled with moans and unnecessary erotic sounds. And here was Baekhyun, about to pull an all nighter for the second night in a row. If this was how every night of the tour was going to be like, he didn't know if he could handle it. Hell, he didn't even know Mr. Park was handling it. Baekhyun groaned once again, rolling onto his stomach, covering his precious virgin ears with his pillow.

After another 20 minutes of torture (Baekhyun silently wondered how Mr. Park kept going), he decided he could use some fresh air. He trudged to the balcony of his massive hotel room, sliding open the door and stepping outside. The air was cold and sharp, immediately sending chills through the small boy's body. He curled up in one of the patio chairs, quickly satisfied when the only noise he heard was the rushing of cars several stories below him. It always fascinated Baekhyun how there were always people on the streets in the city —even at 4 am.

Baekhyun felt his heavy eyelids slowly closing, all of the lack of sleep from the previous two days finally catching up to him. He shivered uncontrollably from the cold, since it was almost the beginning of Autumn after all. Preferring the cold over noise, Baekhyun eventually fell asleep.


Baekhyun was in the middle of an —well, interesting dream.

He sees his boss striding slowly toward him, looking unattainably sexy, and Baekhyun feels himself get hotter down south.

"You know you want me," Chanyeol growls, caressing the side of the poor boy's face. "Just like last night." Baekhyun gulps, trying desperately to control himself. He watches as Chanyeol creeps slowly toward him, his lips inching toward his own. They are nearly a millimeter apart before—


Baekhyun screamed as he sat up immediately, resulting in him falling off of the small chair and directly onto the floor. His confused eyes floated up to his boss.

"Mr. Park—you were.. you were just —I swear," Baekhyun's thoughts were a jumbled mess, especially because he'd been awake for a mere two seconds, and was still recovering from his unbelievably strange dream.

Chanyeol smirked. "What was your dream about, assistant?" Chanyeol's eyes lingered on Baekhyun's raging boner.

Baekhyun yelped, quickly covering his crotch with his hands. He shut his eyes, his face getting redder than a tomato.

"Why in the world were you sleeping outside? It was extremely cold last night! Are you crazy?"

Baekhyun opened his eyes at his boss's question, barely able to hold eye contact out of embarrassment.

"I, uh.." Baekhyun struggled to come up with a reasonable excuse as to why he would need to sleep outside when there was a perfectly good bed inside.

"It was too hot in my room last night!" He spurt out.

"Hmm," Chanyeol hummed, stroking his invisible beard with his hand mockingly.

"And I don't suppose that your lips are blue because you're too hot..." He said.

Baekhyun shivered, realizing just exactly how cold he was at the moment.

"Well, maybe I enjoy being cold, sir," He muttered, brining his eyes back to the ground. "How did you even get into my room?" He asked, trying to sound polite despite the array of emotions he was feeling at the time.

"It was unlocked," His boss stated simply. "I came to wake you up to inform you we're checking out of the hotel in 20 minutes."

Baekhyun's jaw dropped. 20 minutes?

"I'll meet you at the lobby at exactly 6:30. Oh, and you might want to take care of your little situation before we leave," Chanyeol said smugly, turning on his heels before Baekhyun had a chance to respond. He wore his notorious smirk as he walked out of his assistant's hotel room, closing the door behind him.

After he heard the door close, Baekhyun screamed into his shirt. He couldn't even believe what had just happened.


Baekhyun arrived promptly at 6:34, racing down the stairs with his suitcase flailing behind him. His wet hair from his shower stuck to his forehead awkwardly. He was the epitome of a hot mess.

"You're late," Chanyeol stated, glancing at his watch.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Park—I had a thousand things to pack up and I hardly had any time—"

"It doesn't matter," Baekhyun was cut off with his boss's words, who's never been a fan of excuses. Chanyeol had already expected Baekhyun to be late anyhow. "The bus is waiting outside, go ahead and get situated while security takes your bag."

Baekhyun nodded profusely, quickly power walking directly to the tour bus awaiting outside. Chanyeol smiled lightly and his silly assistant, loving to mess with him.

After getting past the sea of fans, loading his suitcase into the bus, and finally finding a seat, Baekhyun was ready to move onto the next destination. He was a little sad he couldn't spend more time in the city, but satisfied enough that he was able to visit it at all. A few minutes later, he caught sight of his boss pushing through his screaming fans. When he arrived at the entrance of the bus, he was stopped by a girl, who Baekhyun assumed was a groupie.

"Oppa!" She yelped. "You said I could come, remember? Last night?"

"No, I don't," Chanyeol said flatly.

Her pretty face went from smiling brightly to frowning in .2 seconds. "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" He asked again, laughing bitterly. "What I meant was, I don't remember telling you that you could come along. Sorry, but I have a strict no-slut policy." And with that, the star turned around and entered the bus, the doors closing behind him.

It seemed like Chanyeol lived a double life— his sober life and his drunk life, although they never collide.

WhOA Channie is a straight up SAVAGE! sorry this chapter was kinda short, but eh..

Cheers to almost 1k reads!

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