Chapter 5

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Baekhyun awoke to a pounding head and an extremely dry mouth. He slowly sat up, wincing when his head pain gets worse. The light purple bruise that was still visible on his forehead didn't help either. He looked at his bedside and found a water bottle conveniently placed right next to him. Too desperate to wonder how it got there, he grabbed it, and chugged nearly the whole thing. It hardly helped his scratchy throat. He also noticed an Advil, and popped it into his mouth. He lied back down with his eyes open for a while. Eventually he felt a bit better, but still not close to 100%.

What the hell happened?

Then, he remembered the strange tea drink which apparently contained a lot of alcohol. He shut his eyes, trying to remember anything after that, but failed miserably. His stomach dropped in fear, hoping he didn't do anything extremely ridiculous. His mind then wondered to how he got placed into the room. He sat up once again, deciding to take a look around.

He nearly fell over at the sight of his ginormous room. The entire front wall was one large window, that leads to a patio overlooking the most breathtaking view he's ever seen. He walked around his extremely spacious room, discovering more and more rooms— it seemed never ending. His hotel room was bigger than his entire apartment, and this place must cost a fortune to stay here.

He then remembered the whole reason he's here— Mr. Park. He gasped as he ran back to the clock, only to see it's already almost 8:00, which is the time in which he needs to be ready for his boss.

Do I always have to be late?

Baekhyun took the quickest shower of his life (in the most luxurious shower he's ever seen), quickly brushed his teeth, styled his hair, and put on the same suit from the day before, since he didn't bring clothes. He took one more quick look at himself in the mirror, and rushed off to his boss's room. He hesitated for a moment, but realized all the other rooms are vacant on the entire floor except for one —which he assumed is the correct room.

He knocked on the door, heart pumping. Seconds later he heard a faint "Come in," and opened the already unlocked door. Walking slowly into the room, he realized that Chanyeol was in the bathroom.

"Sir?" He squeaked.

"Assistant? Could you bring me a towel please? I forgot to grab one."

Baekhyun gulped. "O-of course sir," He said, slowly approaching the closet and grabbing a towel.

He made his way to the bathroom, knocking so quietly hardly any noise comes out. Before Baekhyun had any chance to do anything, the door burst open, revealing an extremely naked Chanyeol.

Baekhyun yelped and covered his eyes with one of his hands. He stiffly extended his arm that held the towel, still covering his innocent eyes with his other arm.

"Ah thank you," Chanyeol said. He smirked and took the towel from his assistant.

Baekhyun still was covering his eyes with his spare arm, thankful that it hid his red cheeks as well. He was completely speechless. He didn't remove his arm until he heard the door click, signaling it was closed. He exhaled deeply, cheeks still extremely fried.

"Feel free to make yourself at home until I'm done! It should only take a few minutes," Chanyeol said through the door.

Baekhyun shuffled his way to the central part of the hotel room and settled on a small chair. He sat in awe as he looked around the room, which was somehow even bigger than Baekhyun's. He could only imagine the size of Mr. Park's actual house.

After a mere two minutes of Baekhyun twiddling his thumbs and failing to get the image of his naked boss out of his head, he perked up at the sound of the bathroom door opening. He gulped again as Chanyeol appeared with only the towel around his waist. Water dripped down from his hair and ran down his chest. Baekhyun didn't notice how much he's staring until sense is finally knocked back into his head. He turned to face the other way, so that his boss can change into his clothes. He clears his throat, not knowing what else to do.

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