Chapter 13

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I'm so sorry it's been so long guys. I've been really stressed out with all the shit I have to do with school, and low-key I wrote 3 different chapters, then ended up deleting them because i couldn't decide what I wanted to have happen. Also today was quite possibly the worst day of my life (yehet) Any who, here's Chapter 13.

Baekhyun spent an entire five hours all alone in his boss's hotel room. He actually didn't mind it, he finally got to shower and put on some fresh clothes (that were definitely not stolen from Chanyeol's suitcase in case you were wondering). He ordered room service and had been watching some Korean drama he'd never seen before. The entire time his mind was replaying what happened just a mere few hours ago. Each time it crossed his mind, chills would brush over his entire body. Every once in awhile Baekhyun will pinch his arm to ensure that in fact, he is still not dreaming.

He couldn't help but be worried, along with a bit unsettled. He knew his boss was probably drinking and having sex, which wasn't exactly anything different than normal. The only difference was Baekhyun usually accompanied him to the bars after his concerts, and was often able to keep track of him. Obviously he couldn't keep an eye on him the entire time, but for the most part he knew what his boss was doing. That was not the case today, however.

He kept wondering what kind of girl he was banging, or how much alcohol he had ingested, or anything of that sort.

Not to mention, he didn't know how wild Jongin was and what "revisiting old times" even meant.

After several hours, Baekhyun found himself struggling to keep his eyes open. Saying he was exhausted was an understatement. He decided to try and get some rest, since he figured Mr. Park wouldn't be back for at least a few more hours. Within no time he felt himself drifting off to sleep, dangling on the edge of reality and dream world until he was awoken completely by a door slamming.

He jolted awake, but quickly realized what was happening, and he turned on his other side and pretended to be asleep.

He heard his boss struggling to walk, kicking several things along the way.


Baekhyun knit his eyebrows together in confusion. He'd never heard his boss be so discombobulated before. He felt very strange, wondering what in the world happened. Even when Chanyeol was black out drunk, he still seemed to function normally. Something was definitely off, and Baekhyun didn't like it one bit.

Chanyeol struggled with the lamp switch for several more seconds than he should've. Baekhyun quickly shut his eyes before his boss could've seen him awake. When he finally turned the lamp on, Chanyeol yelped from the brightness.

Baekhyun heard shuffling accompanied with strange noises, and then suddenly he felt an extremely heavy weight on top of his own body.

Baekhyun's heart instantly sped up, and he felt utterly confused but also energized from the sudden event.

"Mr Park?" He whispered nervously, realizing quickly he couldn't move because of a massive body blocking his every move.

"Mmm? Oh—Assistant Iforgotyouwerehere," He mumbled into the smaller boy's torso.

Baekhyun struggled to sit up, but luckily managed to put his back against his bed board which now left his boss's head in his lap.

"Are you...okay?"

Chanyeol just hummed in response, snuggling deeper into Baekhyun as he snaked his hands up and around the smaller boy's chest.

Baekhyun felt confused yet also concerned, fearing his boss may have partaken in a toxic substance.

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