Chapter 11

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Baekhyun awoke in a cold sweat, and he felt absolutely, completely, utterly, shitty. He had never felt so bad in his whole life. All of this just because he slept outside one time.

He laid in bed, shivering yet also sweating, not knowing what to do with himself. He just sat there and suffered. After a few minutes, he slowly craned his neck to look at the clock.


He squeezed his eyes shut, silently praying for his boss to come back so that he could make it all go away with his magic touch. Baekhyun always felt better around Chanyeol. But of course, he remembered the star was most definitely out partying and probably having sex right at this second. I mean, he partied every single night for an entire five days, and Baekhyun was utterly stunned how his boss didn't even appear tired in the slightest. He was always drinking insane amounts, yet somehow waking up earlier than Baekhyun himself even though the star had been up nearly all night! Baekhyun simply didn't understand.

Deciding he shouldn't rely on Chanyeol, he figured he would go to a 24 hour drug store and get some medicine to help his fever go down. He slowly sat up from his bed, shivering uncontrollably, while he found his way to the table where his wallet was. Once he held it loosely in his hand, he found himself inching slowly toward the elevators. His head felt light, as if he could faint at any second. Yet he pushed forward.

It seemed like a million years before he reached the elevator, pressing a shaky finger to the button. It dinged, and opened as Baekhyun shuffled inside. He had to lean against the wall to keep from falling over. About thirty seconds of watching the floors go by, his head got even lighter. He didn't think it was even possible. As soon as it hit the lobby floor, Baekhyun was about to step out, but instead he completely fell over. He couldn't even process what was happening until Chanyeol's strong arms caught his limp body before it could hit the floor.

It was just like the first day where they had met, and Baekhyun had came for the interview.

Except this time Chanyeol didn't let him fall.

"Assistant!" Chanyeol yelled, picking up the poor boy into a more comfortable position. The last thing Baekhyun heard was an incredibly deep voice.

"Baekhyun!" He called again, using his proper name, before realizing that the boy had nearly fainted. His eyes were fluttering slowly, so at least he was still conscious. "Jesus christ," He muttered, as he picked up his assistant and carried him bridal style back to his car. He grabbed his keys from the inside of his shirt pocket, and he unlocked his car before putting Baekhyun into the passenger seat gently.

"It's gonna be okay," He whispered, while shutting the door and nearly sprinting to the other side. He didn't know if he was saying it to comfort Baekhyun or to comfort himself.

Chanyeol usually didn't drive himself places, especially because of his limo driver Minseok who would take him anywhere he needed to go, but this was an exception. He sped down to the 24 hour drug store, glancing over to his sick assistant much more often than that was safe.

He finally pulled into a parking spot sloppily, reaching over to see Baekhyun. He cupped his face with his cold hands, and Baekhyun moans because it eases the hot feeling in his face.

"I'm going to be right back, okay? Stay conscious. I'm ordering you, stay conscious."

Baekhyun's eyes fluttered up lazily to meet Chanyeol's and even with his vision swirling, he still looked stunning.Quickly after, his boss jumped out of the car and into the store. It seemed like he was gone for no time at all when Chanyeol stepped right back into the car with an ice cold water bottle and medicine.

He sat back in his driver seat, and opened the medicine, practically shoving the pill into Baekhyun's mouth.

"Take this, it will make you feel better," Chanyeol said, his voice sounding much calmer by this point. Baekhyun could hardly register what was going on, but he swallowed when he felt a round soft item in his mouth accompanied with water. He gulped down nearly half the bottle before Chanyeol took it back and started the car engine once more. Baekhyun was shivering in the seat while his boss drove, and in no time he found himself wrapped up against Mr. Park's chest while he was being carried to the elevators. It all seemed like a hazy dream.

Chanyeol brought his assistant back to his own hotel room, not even giving it a second thought when he set down Baekhyun onto the king sized bed, covering the shivering boy with all of the blankets. He even went to the closet to get the spare blankets, covering him in those as well. He also placed another cold towel on his forehead so that he could ease his hot and cold phases.

Baekhyun closed his eyes, yet he couldn't actually fall asleep for some strange reason. He was shivering like a maniac, even though he was covered in blankets. He just wanted more heat.

After a few minutes of suffering, Baekhyun started to feel the medicine kick in ever so slightly. His pounding head got a bit less harsh, and his stomach began to feel less queasy. Baekhyun was extremely thankful for the small amount of relief, promising himself to never again take for granted feeling healthy.

Chanyeol watched Baekhyun from the couch across the hotel room, wondering what to do next. He knew that Baekhyun would probably need to sleep, so he flipped the light off in the hotel room.

Before he was about to walk over to the spare bed, he caught one more glance of the shivering assistant. Before he even knew what he was doing, Chanyeol found himself climbing into bed right next to Baekhyun, pushing his body up to his own and wrapping his arms around the smaller. Baekhyun's face was pressed into the shirt of his boss, while he curled up into his torso. Baekhyun was too out of it to really know just exactly what was going on, and all he could appreciate was the sudden wonderful heat he felt.

Chanyeol spent the entire night sweating like a manic under all of those blankets and with a tiny body pressed up against him, but he didn't think much of it.

In fact, not even once did it cross his mind that he might catch Baekhyun's sickness— his thoughts only consisted of keeping Baekhyun comfortable. He felt this strange pulling to protect his little assistant at all costs.

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