Chapter 17

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(say the name)
I happen to be a big seventeen stan.
*if you haven't checked out seventeen, 17/10 recommend it*

Its a weird thing, love. It could either be the single most amazing thing on the planet - feeling in love- or the worst.

Baekhyun had never been in love, or at least he thought he hadn't. Until now. He finally had a word to blame for all the feelings he couldn't avoid feeling. These included: butterflies whenever the person enters the room, a brain explosion whenever they brushed limbs, an unavoidable sweat and stutter you somehow were able to acquire within seconds, you get the idea.

Baekhyun wasn't sure how strong Chanyeol's feelings were for him, but he wasn't going to question it now.

They were making out on the hotel couch, and it was going wonderfully. About ten minutes ago (ten? it felt like two for Baekhyun), Chanyeol had connected the two pairs of lips, and they hadn't detached since. Except for the occasional heavy breathing in order to catch their breath, but does that really even count?

It was wonderful.

Perfect, amazing, fantabulous, extraordinary, any possible word with a positive connotation you could think of is what was running through Baekhyun's mind.

In fact he was in such euphoria, that his mind couldn't even process it all. It was truly an experience.

"Mmm," Baekhyun moaned unconsciously.

Chanyeol smiled, feeling a strange feeling after knowing he caused that moan to come out of the beautiful pair of lips.

Everything was going wonderfully until there was yet another pound on the door- most likely the furious tour manager, Zhang Yixing. Chanyeol groaned, but relentlessly trudged to the door.

"Park I swear to God, if you don't open this door right now I-"

Chanyeol opened the door as soon as he was about to finish.

"You'll what?"

Yixing cleared his throat awkwardly. He hadn't prepared for Chanyeol to actually open the door.

"I uh..well,"

Suddenly his expression changed from timid to angry.

"You dirty asshat! You locked your ugly self in that hotel room for 3 days! We had to cancel two of your concerts, your fans are furious!"

"Frankly, Yixing I really don't give a shit. Now if you'll excuse me, I was in the middle of something-"

Chanyeol started to close the door but the persistent manager didn't give up. He wedged his foot in the door before it could close.

"Not so fast, Park. You're coming out right now, or else I quit."

Chanyeol's eyebrow raised.

"Hmm, interesting," He said while stroking his invisible beard.

All the while this event was ensuing, Baekhyun was still on the couch with messy hair and rosy cheeks, in utter confusion since his mind was still cloudy from earlier.

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