Chapter 4

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Chanyeol walked on stage hardly nervous. He had done this thousands of times before, and doing another fan meet was like a walk in the park. Although this time was a bit different, because he had a hammered drunk assistant with him. He glanced behind him to catch a glimpse of the stage manager roughly bringing Baekhyun to the green room.

He could be more careful, Chanyeol thought bitterly.

Returning his attention back to the stage, he put on a big smile, waving to his screaming fans. Throughout the entirety of answering questions and taking pictures with fans, his mind was only on one thing. Or one person, rather. He couldn't help but wonder how his drunk assistant was doing.


Approximately two hours later, Chanyeol was finally done. Several body guards had to prevent crazy fans from jumping all over the star as he walked behind stage. Chanyeol sighed a breath of relief, for he was already exhausted. This sort of stuff isn't easy, wearing a fake facade for hours straight just for the sake of fans. His face ached from smiling, and he was sweaty and flushed. Once he reached the green room, he was met with the sight of a passed out Baekhyun. And it was quite a sight.

His mouth was agape, a slight puddle of drool on the couch, his legs extended so that one was draped across the back of the couch and one was off of the couch completely. Chanyeol couldn't help but find it extremely adorable.

"Assistant," Chanyeol said, hoping for his words to wake Baekhyun from his slumber. However, there was no avail. Chanyeol sighed, stepping closer to Baekhyun.

He gently shook his shoulder, accompanied with him saying, "Mr. Byun, wake up," but there was still no success.

Chanyeol groaned in frustration, looking around the room for any ideas on how to wake up the sleeping beauty. His eyes found a glass of water, and he immediately grabbed it. He splashed the water on Baekhyun's face, in which seconds later a screech filled the air

"What's happening?" he mumbled, clearly still very drunk. It would most likely take much longer for the alcohol to wear off.

Baekhyun stood up clumsily, nearly falling over. He held onto the table for support as tiny drops of water dropped from his face.

"Come on, it's time to go assistant," Chanyeol said, grabbing Baekhyun lightly by the arm and pushing him along toward the exit. Baekhyun whined.

"But I want to seeeee... Mr. Park on TV!"

Chanyeol couldn't hide his smile any longer. "Well I think what you really need is rest."

"But I want to go now!" Baekhyun said, sounding exactly like a little kid when they wanted a piece of candy.

The taller chucked, as he continued to pull Baekhyun along behind him. Once they reached the outside, Baekhyun winced from the sudden brightness, shoving his face into Chanyeol's shoulder. The taller allowed himself to smile, since Baekhyun is most likely in the midst of a blackout anyhow.

Suddenly he felt Baekhyun.. smelling him? Again?

"You -" sniff "Smell so -" sniff "Goooooood," Baekhyun hummed, still shoved into the shoulder of Chanyeol.

"Like f-ffresh linen and cologne," he added.

The taller laughed again, amused at his drunk assistant. Most bosses would likely be upset at their employee if they were hammered drunk on their fist day, but Chanyeol was actually enjoying himself. Not to mention the fact he watched his assistant chug the entire alcoholic beverage, well aware of what was to ensue. Once Chanyeol had finally reached the limo he shoved Baekhyun (gently) into the back seat. Security guards offered to help Chanyeol into the car, but he denied. Sometimes having everything done for him can get annoying.

As soon as Chanyeol sat the seat, Baekhyun fell head first into his lap. The limo driver gave Chanyeol a confused look. In response, he just shrugged with a big grin. Chanyeol didn't even mind his sore cheeks.

About 30 seconds later, Chanyeol was sure Baekhyun had fallen asleep again.

How bad can his alcohol tolerance be? Chanyeol thought to himself.

When the limo finally pulled up to the hotel, Chanyeol saw hundreds of fans already outside. He sighed to himself, wondering how the hell they already found out which hotel he was staying at. Luckily he has the entire top floor reserved for himself, and it is lined with body guards at all times to prevent crazy fans from somehow getting through.

Chanyeol shook Baekhyun awake, the smaller blinking tiredly and squinting at his boss.

"Come on, assistant. We're at the hotel."

Baekhyun seemed as if the sounds Chanyeol were making went in one ear and out the other. His face was completely blank, and his eyes were nearly glazed over. Chanyeol sighed again, realizing there was no way his assistant would be able to walk all the way to the hotel room. When the door was opened for him, Chanyeol walked around to the other side, reached into the car, and picked up Baekhyun bridal style. Ignoring his screaming fans, he walked directly into the hotel, where he was greeted with more guards. They led him into the elevator, and directed him to the proper room. He was handed the proper room key as well. The hotel worker looked stunned when he saw a limp body in the star's arms, confused as to what to do with the second room key.

"I'll take that," Chanyeol said, grabbing the card key from the worker. "Thank you."

The worker bowed deeply, with a confused face, and returned to the elevator. After the worker was out of sight, Chanyeol swiped the room key to Baekhyun's room, which was placed directly next to Chanyeol's. Of course he would need to be close, he was his personal assistant for pete's sake!

He carried Baekhyun into the large and lavish room, and set him gently onto the bed. He pushed back the covers placing him underneath them. He went to the counter and opened a water bottle before closing it gently so Baekhyun wouldn't have trouble opening it, and set the water on the bedside table. Quickly, he reached into his suitcase and pulled out an Advil, placing it next to the water. Content with the way he left things, Chanyeol exited the room triumphantly, more than ready to finally get a break

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