Chapter 7

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Baekhyun watched from backstage as people started to file in. At first it was a slow and steady steam of people, but then within no time the massive theater was filled almost to the brim. Baekhyun couldn't even imagine having to perform in front of this many people, and he had a new found respect for his boss. Suddenly out of nowhere, the crowd started chanting Chanyeol's name.

Baekhyun was so mesmerized by how in sync the thousands of people were. Though there were a seemingly endless amount of voices, it all sounded like one. Then he watched as Chanyeol found his way onto the stage, and the screaming intensified to something he'd never experienced. It was so loud that he had to cover his ears to partially mute the screams.

Baekhyun watched as his boss introduced himself to the crowd. Baekhyun noticed that no matter what, Chanyeol was always polite. He didn't act like most famous stars would—a stuck up, cocky, asshole (for the most part). He was genuine.

Before the small male knew it, Chanyeol started his first song. He was strumming the guitar seamlessly, his long fingers gliding across the frets. Then suddenly, came a voice that sounded like a complete angel. Baekhyun could hardly believe his ears—and he thought that his boss's talking voice was nice? Chanyeol's singing voice sounded as if a ray of light from the heavens dropped down right in front of him. It was utterly magical. He didn't realize, but Baekhyun had a giant smile spread on his handsome little face.

Baekhyun just let himself get carried away by the music. He now realized why Mr. Park was so famous, he was insanely talented. He hadn't noticed exactly how long it had been until Chanyeol announced he was about to play his last song. Baekhyun was shocked, for he felt as if Chanyeol had been playing a mere ten minutes.

After the last song (and a few encores), Chanyeol was finally finished. He waved one more final goodbye to his fans and finally walked off stage. Baekhyun admired his sweat-glimmering face.

"T-that was amazing, sir," Baekhyun stuttered. He felt completely stunned.

Chanyeol flashed a million dollar smile. "Thank you, Mr. Byun."

The smaller followed his boss back to the green room where several groupies were waiting. A few of them cat called him, while the others nearly crawled all over him. Baekhyun almost gagged. However, Chanyeol simply ignored them as he walked through the room to get back to the limo awaiting their arrival. Baekhyun followed awkwardly behind the star, earning several glares from the others. He realized he never saw Kai, who said he would be there tonight. Baekhyun decided to shake it off.

When the two boys stepped foot into the limo, Chanyeol didn't even have to tell the driver where to go.

"How did the show go sir?" Asked the driver. He too was very attractive, with sharp eyes and chubby cheeks.

"It was good, Minseok. Thank you for asking."

Minseok nodded. "The usual?"

"Yes please."

Baekhyun wondered what "the usual" was, and if he was supposed to be tagging along. However, he found out soon enough when the limo pulled into a parking lot for a very fancy looking bar. Baekhyun didn't know what to call it.

The place was absolutely packed, and people were already beginning to scream as they set eyes on the limo. Baekhyun felt a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

As they exited the limo, Chanyeol thanked Minseok, and began to head inside with Baekhyun following closely behind. Many groupies tagged along as well, somehow they knew exactly where Chanyeol would be. Amongst the chaos of the hundreds of people seemingly mobbing Chanyeol, Baekhyun lost sight of his boss. The crowd slowly disappeared as well, most of the people now had entered the building. He was suddenly completely alone.

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