Chapter 18

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-unedited because I'm lazy-

"Oh, h-hey Si- Chanyeol," Baekhyun said, undeniably surprised to see his boss standing before him.

"I didn't know you played the piano," He said, while walking gracefully toward the latter. His shoes left a satisfying sound as he crossed the hard floor.

"Uh, yeah. I studied it back in college, actually," He said softly.

Chanyeol hummed in response, and before Baekhyun even knew it, he was standing right in front of him.

"So did you get yelled at?" Baekhyun inquired with a little giggle.

Chanyeol smiled in return. "Just a bit. I mean, there's only so much they can do since... Well, I'm the one that makes all the money."

Baekhyun smiled widely.

Soon the atmosphere turned awkward, and the two of them didn't know what to do. After a sufficient amount of time passed, Baekhyun spoke up.

It didn't go unnoticed by Chanyeol how much more he had been speaking lately.

"So are you done with your... meeting? Or whatever you call it?"

"Sure am."



"Let's go on a date."

Baekhyun nearly choked. "What?"

"Let's go on a date," Chanyeol repeated. He didn't exactly know what to call the relationship he had with Baekhyun, but considering they both sorta confessed their somewhat feelings he figured he should do something about it.

"Are you crazy? We wouldn't make it five feet without being trampled by your insane fans."

"Yeah, so I was thinking we just did something simple. Like a movie, 'cause it's dark in the theatre, and no one would see me."

Baekhyun still seemed unsure. Especially because he knew it was like, rule negative 10 of dating to never go to the movies for a first date. Movie dates were like second or third type of dates, but never first. But Baekhyun wasn't about to turn down Park Chanyeol for an offer like that.

"C'mon. I'll even wear a disguise."

"A disguise?" Baekhyun chuckled at the thought. He had tilted his chin up fully (curse his damned height) to get a full view of the handsome face. "I'll go if I can pick the disguise."


Before Baekhyun could say anything more, he was grabbed by the wrist and bombarded out the door.

He couldn't help but think that for such a successful, classy, intimidating man, Chanyeol sure could be a child when he felt like it.

Baekhyun sprinted behind him, with a full faced grin spread across his face.


Back at the hotel, Baekhyun was waiting impatiently for Chanyeol to emerge out of the bathroom with the outfit he had picked for him to wear. He tried not to go overboard, especially since he had to be seen with the giant, but he did his best. He was a bit nicer than he would've been, and he was extremely limited to only the clothes that Chanyeol had with him. And even that was an unnecessary large amount of clothes.

"Hurry up! How long does it take to get changed?" Baekhyun playfully shouted through the bathroom door.

Seconds later, the man burst out of the door.

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