Chapter 24

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Hello lovely people, I would just like to take a moment to be selfish and say if you haven't already checked out my other fic, The Coffee Shop, I would be so grateful. If you're a fan or taekook or bts, make sure to give it a read! Okay selfish time over.

*smut warning

Things were hectic. The tour had wiped Baekhyun nearly completely. It was exhausting, constantly needing to worry about which songs he would perform, and trying to fit in rehearsing with his busy schedule. He had a tendency to freak out over things in which it was not necessary, but he couldn't exactly help it.

Not to mention, it was extraordinarily frustrating to see Chanyeol so seemingly calm and collected, like he could own the world.
However there was another thing that continued to make Baekhyun exhausted, and to be quite blunt, it was sex.

After the affair a few weeks back, Chanyeol and Baekhyun had made it a routine to 'do the deed' just about every night. No matter how late, or how tired they both were, they made it happen.

As great as this was, it was nonetheless exhausting.

When he got up out of bed, he grimaced as per usual due to the pain in his ass. He was fairly used to it by now, but it was certainly still uncomfortable. He rummaged around in an attempt to find coffee or something, however was unsuccessful.

Suddenly, he had an epiphany in which he decided he wanted to go to a coffee shop. Coffee sounded great, and it would be nice to get some fresh air, and do something that he actually wished to do that didn't involve the tour.

After quickly (and quietly) brushing his teeth and getting dressed, he made sure to grab the spare key and head out the door. On the way out he noticed his own hotel room. He chuckled since he had not even step foot in his own room yet. He had been staying with Chanyeol since they entered the new hotel.

As he continued his way down to the elevator, he hoped that people wouldn't recognize him. He had done a number of shows by this point, and he failed to realize he would most likely no longer be incognito.

As he stepped out there was a delayed reaction by the fans who always seemed to be there, until a few of them recognized the poor boy. Within no time, he found himself being mauled by screaming girls while trying to make his way out the door. The security guards were able to make a bit of room, but the girls were extremely restless.

Finally he had made it out alive, and sprinted down the street and turned a corner, which luckily allowed him to escape the screaming crowd. He hurried on his way to encompass a quest of locating the nearest coffee shop.

After about 10 minutes of aimlessly wandering around, he stumbled upon one.


He ordered his usual drink, got a drink for Chanyeol (luckily he had gotten his coffee plenty of times beforehand, and knew exactly what he liked). He then proceeded to wait patiently near the counter where the drinks would be ready.

His thoughts occupied him as per usual, until he heard a voice.

"Excuse me, are you Byun Baekhyun?"

Baekhyun whipped his head around at the sound of his name, and was met with a face he had never seen before.

The man was tall— must have been at least six feet, and was wearing a long suit that complimented his body. Not to mention the man was young and handsome, and Baekhyun knew he was important.

"Yes, that's me," He replied wearily. He had no idea who this guy was, and was stunned he knew his full name.

He flashes a charming smile. "Ah, I knew it was you. I'm Oh Sehun, nice to meet you."
He extended his hand for a firm handshake, Baekhyun shaking it loosely.

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